Chapter 16

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A/N: Watch video BEFORE reading! You'll understand my meaning of soul mate :)

Ever since Talia had sacrificed her life for his, he had been a wreck. He knew that she didn't want it, but he blamed himself. Maybe she could've been alive and with him if he hadn't been so quick to jump to conclusions. If only he'd been quicker, she could've lived. He would still have her beside him, he would still be as strong as he was before, and not in the state he'd been in.

He wasn't able to concentrate on his work, so his siblings took turns replacing him until he would be able to come back. Asumi had gotten on his nerves as he figured out that she had wanted to make him hers, and so he fired her. She had tried to take advantage of the way he was and tried to kiss him. This enraged him and it took both his siblings to stop him from attacking her.

Talia was on life support, though the probability that she would wake up was close to none. She had trained medical ninjas from all around trying to save her, the Hokage had even come at one point. All of them had gone home unsuccesful, and everyone had started to lose hope. He burried his face in his hands as he sunk deeper into the floor.

His room was only lit by a few candles which were flickering, and he was wearing a black outfit, and he barely took showers or changed. It had been a few months since then, and the longer time stretched, the weaker and more depressed he became. Having to live with all the regret was unbarable, and he'd rather die and be with her than to live without her.

He was unable to complete her request. It was impossible for him to love somone else. She was his soul mate, she accepted him when no one else would, and she had been the first to truly know him.

His door silently creaked open and his head shot up, and there he saw Temari panting, like she had been running. Her eyes were wide and she had tears in them. He didn't know how he felt about the look in her eyes, but she wouldn't be able to make him stand. Or, he thought he did. "Gaara...... I-It's about Talia." She said and his eyes widened. He knew what was about to come, so he rose to his feet. He ran down the hallways following Temari and they arrived in front of a room, many people standing there with unreadable expressions.

He stood at the door and saw Talia, her eyes cracked open just a little, and she hardly seemed to be moving. Slowly she turned her head in his direction and a soft smile appeared on her face. Three medical shinobi loomed over her, their hands glowing green.

"May-be........ I was wr-ong......" Her voice started fading, and she took a steady breath. Tears that he thought had already all dried up began to fall, and he fell to his knees. He had never stopped loving her, he knew that he never would.

"Do-n't cry...... I a-lways ha-ted it......." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Miss, please, don't speak." One of the shinobi said. "Alright...." This time it was a whisper. Her eyes closed, but her breathing was uneaven, signaling that she wasn't asleep.

Gaara had mixed emotions; sadness, relief, happiness......... all of which battled with each other, making him not know what to feel. He wasn't sad because she woke up, it was because she had made him worry so much.

After maybe half an hour, the shinobi's hands were returned to normal and they all had satisfied, but exhausted looks. "She'll be fine. Now that she's woken up her body has started to heal itself slowly, and thankfully none of her internal organs were hit, so they're all still intact. She may have digestive troubles in her old age, but she won't die from it. She may also develop athsma later on, but that isn't particularily something to worry about if she has the right medicine, though I doubt she wouldn't. It looks as if half of her brain was – in a way – sleeping, maybe focussing more on healing her body instead of staying awake. She should stay under secure watch and move around the least possible for about two months.

Everyone nodded. Gaara wanted to thank them for saving his love, but he couldn't think nor speak at that moment. They walked out and so did everyone else after looking at the woman with small smiles. Soon only Gaara remained. He slowly, almost hesitantly walked over towards her and knelt by her bedside. Her eyes opened and she turned her head a little to look at him, a small smile on her lips. He gently hugged her and she would have if her body wasn't so sore and she was advised not to move too much.

He pulled back and looked at her, making sure that it wasn't a dream, and that she was really there, looking back at him with her green eyes that sparked life that he thought he would never see again. He swallowed thickly, realizing that it was all real – she was real.

A small smile formed on his face despite the tears that continued to pour. "I've been so lost without you...... so helpless...... I only realized how much I love you after I thought I lost you......" He whispered and she smiled, some tears pooling her vision. "I've wanted to hear that for a long time now...... That you still love me. Just to hear it, that was all I needed." She said softly and rose her eyes to look into his.

Slowly and gently, he pressed his lips onto hers, and it wasn't long after that that her eyes closed and she kissed him back. It was their second or third kiss, but certainly wouldn't be their last. When he pulled back, he was surprised to see that tears were close to spilling over from her eyes. A little panicked, he asked if he had done something wrong. She shook her head and smiled. "It's just..... I'm so happy....." She said and laughed. Calming down, he gave a small smile and gripped her hand. "I am too." He whispered and squeezed it.

A/N: I know that this was supposed to be the epilogue..... but it isn't the aftermath of the story. It's the end, but there will be an epilogue, I'm going to work on that now. I think that this story really progressed well, and I know it's only been on Wattpad for about two days, and I only posted it after I finished chapter 15, and I've modified my writing schedule. Instead of writing one particular story on the same day, I'll write the story that I want to write so it'll be more interesting and the chapters'll be longer. I hope you enjoyed this last chapter, and I WILL BE WRITING AN EPILPOGUE. Anyways I said that already. Bye~!






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