Chapter 9

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Talia awoke in her bedroom, covered by a blanket. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, but then remembered her little confession to Gaara. Her eyes widened, but then returned to normal and then a smile graced her lips.

She nearly jumped out of her bed in glee, but then stood up straight, looking in her mirror. And for once, she didn't feel disgusted by what she saw; she actually felt loved, like she finally belonged somewhere.

She looked through her wardrobe and noticed that all of her ninja clothing except one had been replaced by dresses. Her brows furrowed, but she couldn't care less a few moments later. She slipped on a lavender floor length gown that had long sleeves, cutting into a V at her hands, green embroidery on the hems of her dress. It was a tight corset and puffed out slightly, only slightly, at the skirt part, and it flooded freely to the ground. She draped a green shawl over her shoulders, tying her hair into a bun, leaving a few strands at the front.

She examined herself in the mirror. She smiled, and she seemed to be radiating joy.

Somebody knocked on the door and she opened it, and there stood Temari, staring at her with wide eyes. "Wow." Was all she said, making Talia blush.

"Where'd you get the dress?" She asked and Talia gave her a smile. "My closet. There are all sorts of dresses in there, and I only have one of my old outfits that I used to wear." She said and Talia nodded. "The Elders wanted a conference with you as soon as possible." The blonde stated and the green eyed girl nodded. "Good thing that I decided to wear this." She smiled and followed Temari out the door.

She received stares as she walked down the hallways. She didn't mind, though.

They finally arrived at a room and Temari pushed open a door, gesturing for Talia to enter, thouh Temari did not. Gaara, the council as well as the Village Elders were all sitting in chairs and she felt all their eyes on her. She fidgeted a little bit, though it was unnoticed.

She was told to sit next to Gaara, and she obliged. One of the Elders cleared her throat. "Since you will be Lord Kazekage's bride in a short period of time, not only must you be a strong ninja, but you must be loved by the people as well. If they do not like you, they will not agree with you on debatable terms, and they might think you brought shame upon the Kazekage." She said and Talia nodded, swallowing. "With that said, you will go into the village, with Lord Kazekage and make the villagers like you, and feel as if you can protect them." The Elder continued, and looked over at Gaara. "You are not to interfere with anything unless something goes very wrong." She finished and recieved a nod from the both of them.

"You may leave now." She dismissed them and Talia walked alongside Gaara out of the palace and into the village.

As they were walking, she felt a light tug on her skirt. She looked down and saw a little girl with brown hair and wide red eyes. She looked a little shy while looking up at Talia.

"Are you going to be our new queen?" She asked and Talia crouched down next to her. "If you look at it that way, yes I am." Talia gave the girl a sweet smile. "You're really pretty." The child said, and Talia gazed at the child with soft eyes. "That's very nice of you, but if I'm pretty, than you must be beautiful." Talia said and pat the little girl's head. She blushed a little and had a small smile. "Th-thank you, miss." She said. "What's your name, little one?" Talia asked and the child replied; "My name is Tuli." She said shyly. "Even your name is beautiful! When you're older, all the boys are going to be falling for you!" Talia said with a soft laugh when Tuli giggled. She scrunched her nose. "But boys are gross." She said and Talia laughed a little. "You think that now, but one day, you're going to meet someone that makes you happier then anyone else can, and then you'll get married, and live happily ever after." Talia said and Tuli looked up at her with sparkling eyes. "Like a fairy tale?" She asked hopefully. "Exactly like a fairy tale." Talia replied, rubbing the girl's head gently. "Tuli!" Someone shouted and they looked up to see a woman with brown hair and blue eyes running towards them.

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