Chapter 13

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Talia's eyes opened and she stood up, and her eyes widened in horror at what she saw. Gaara, on the ground, motionless.

She saw two Akatsuki members standing there. One with red hair, and the other with blonde hair.

"You're probably wondering what's going on – It's simple, really. When we kidnapped you, we placed a fake note in your room so that we would emotionally throw off the One Tails. It worked, since it was quite easy to defeat him. He's dead now, but we did him a favour, we put him out of his misery." The red head said with a sigh. Tears fell from Talia's eyes. "No! " She screamed, running to his side and falling to her knees. Her whole body shook and she stroked his relaxed face, moving hair out of his face. "No...." She sobbed, tears landing on his bruised body.

"You're all monsters! How could you! You put words in my mouth that I didn't even think! And now he's dead! You killed my love!" She screamed, more tears falling from her eyes.

"I hate you! You murderers! Do you enjoy seeing people in pain?!" She shouted at them, and the blonde laughed while the other looked bored. "You have a big mouth, I would shut up if I were you." The red head said. "Go ahead! Kill me! I have no reason to live anymore! Just do it!" She shouted and they looked at each other. "We'd love to, but pain is much to entertaining, un." The blonde snickered and she felt more tears well up in her eyes.

Suddenly the wall in the front of the lair was shattered, sending her flying, hitting her head and being slightly burried in rubble.

She passed out soon after.

She woke up in a hospital room, but when she tried to sit up, she noticed that she was chained to the bed. She winced a little. The door opened and a pink haired girl entered. "Sakura?" She asked but the said girl only looked away in shame.

Talia swallowed the lump in her throat. "Is Gaara...... reallly..... dead?" She asked and Sakura looked at her with a hard stare. "No. Lady Chio saved him at the cost of her own life." Sakura said gravely. Tears of joy spilled out of Talia's eyes. "Thank you...... Thank you........ God bless you....... Thank you......" She said while sobbing.

Sakura only looked at her in pity. "You don't know..... do you?" She asked softly and Talia looked up at her. She shook her head. "Gaara...... placed a bounty on your head. To anyone who killed you." She said and Talia froze. "W-what?" She asked in denial and shock.

Tears welled up in her eyes. "I see." She swallowed the lump in her throat. "So he believed the note after all....." She whispered. "What?" Sakura asked.

Just then, the Hokage walked in.

She looked down at Talia in disapproval.

"My lady, I believe that something is going on behind all of the fiasco." Sakura stated and he Hokage looked at the teary eyed woman bound by chaines.

She unlocked them, allowing the girl to sit up.

"You say that something happened?" She asked and Talia nodded. She told them the entire story, stopping to stop the sobs that errupted from her throat.

The Hokage nodded as the story was told, and she sighed. "I'm afraid that I cannot do much. It's up to the Hidden Sand and the Kazekage to decide your fate. I'm sorry." Tsunade said glumly.Talia nodded. "I understand. I hurt him even though it was fake...... and I'll go back quietly. I won't cause any trouble." She said and closed her eyes, a stray tear rolling down her cheek. 

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