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Note: More extreme visual themes happening in this part. Read on when you are prepared.

Short part this time. Hope you enjoy!


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As I dart my eyes around the darkened room, I am wishing to escape its clutches it has on my mind. I feel pressure building up behind my eyes as I strain to see through the darkness.

I am seeing things. Nothing is real. It is all a lie.

The wall is pulsating. Rivers of red water are flowing through them. The darkened corners of the room are slowly closing in onto me. I see red eyes beginning to open and stare at me as they begin to glow vibrantly all around me.

What is happening to me? Why am I seeing all of this?

Then I shake my head at myself, disappointed.

No, I know why. This is my punishment. This is all a dream. Nothing is real. When my father is ready for me is when this will end.

Whispers are slowly fading into my ears as I sink down onto the floor with my head throbbing and my vision blurring in and out. My breaths are becoming raspy and heavy. I feel overwhelming feelings of dread pulse through me, bubbling up to the surface, reminding me of how terrified I really am.

Then my vision becomes clearer as the room becomes gradually brighter. The walls are normal. The red eyes are gone. My breathing is now normal. The door to my chamber has been opened. There is a dark figure standing there in the doorway. As it gets bright in the room, the dark figure speaks to me with its soft feminine voice, "Star, your father summoned me to prepare you for the ceremony,"

Light. The light has relieved me.

"Come, we must prepare you,"

As I slowly come out of my daze, I recognize the soft voice.

Wait. It cannot be.

I look up from the floor as the figure slowly emerges from the dark doorway and peers down at me, with a gentle smile.

Emerald green eyes. Lovely lavender hair flowing around her face. Dark purple robe with the hood up over her eyes, darkening them.

My eyes widen at the sight.

Mother? How can it be? This cannot be real. I am hallucinating again.

I sit looking at her in a daze, confused and lost. Then I reach up and rub my temple with my left hand.

No, this. This is real. This is my life now. My father summoned my mother to retrieve me for him. My punishment must be over now.

"Okay, mother,"

The ceremony. The one I ran away from. The one my father spoke about. I must do it now. It is my duty as princess. I promised him I would do it. So I must. And I will.

My mother approaches me. She pulls her arms out from behind her and places a beautiful white gown onto the bed beside me. I look over to it and gaze upon its glittery, white threads and patterns across the soft silky fabric.

Then my eyes widen as I realize what the dress symbolizes and narrow my eyes onto it. I nod as my mother releases me from the chains, allowing me to approach the bed. My mother then pulls out a drape that will be placed over my shoulders once the gown is pulled over my head.

My mother gently smooths out the wrinkles in the gown as she pulls it over me. It is sleeveless and hugs around my waist, then flows down around my legs. When the gown is ready, my mother then wraps the white drape around my shoulders, gently falling into place on my skin. Then my mother begins to brush my deep red hair, undoing the knots that are in it and smoothing it out around my face.

When I turn to look at myself in the mirror across the room, I see nothing but a saddened girl with flashes of dread filling her deep purple eyes. With insanity nipping at me from deep within me, I keep my mind busy by tracing the patterns on the white fabric with my eyes all the way down to the floor. I turn to see mother bringing me a pair of white slippers as she slips them onto my feet.

She smiles down at me, "There, you are ready,"

She brushes her hand along my hair and my cheek as she admires the gown she wore.

She wore.

"That gown was the one I wore, my child,"

It is all coming back to me. I remember when I recognized this gown now. On my mother's wedding day...

"It is done. Come, my child, your father awaits us," I nod as I slowly follow my mother out of the darkened chambers.

So what happened there? Any thoughts so far? :0

I am curious to know.

I am curious to know

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