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My dad and his property, Val, both stood in the kitchen quietly. It looked they had been anxiously waiting for me to come downstairs. I immediately proceeded to fridge, not acknowledging the twosome.

"Good morning to you too..." my father said, reminding of my nonexistent manners.

"Hello father," was all I said, disregarding his property's presence as I closed the refrigerator. Val frowned as she always did in reply.

"Here to give another lecture?" I added with a furrowed brow.

"No," my dad said. "Sit down. Me and Val have to tell you something kiddo." I was skeptical, so I stayed in place.

"Nah, I'm good right here," I responded before sipping my juice. My father and his broad locked hands before he started to speak. I rolled my eyes at the gesture. "You sure you don't want to sit down?"

"No, father. What's going on? Y'all finally getting a divorce..." I cracked a hopeful smile. After this chaotic weekend, I needed some good news.

"After years of trying, me and Val are expecting our first child together," my father beamed when sharing the news and Val appeared ecstatic as well.

"Oh, word! Y'all want a cookie or something for that? People have jits everyday," I said with a shrug.


"Gotta go father. Can't be late for school today," I disrupted his comment and he simply sighed.

"C'mon now, you're going to be a big sister. Aren't you excited about it?" I stared at him with not a care in the world. The child was coming into a broken home as I was concerned.

"Whatever," I groaned.

My dad tried to come over and hug me, but I opted out and pushed away his advances. I was not in the mood to celebrate this occasion or anything involving the two of them.

"Later, dad," was all I said when gathering my things to leave out of the house. The last thing I wanted to do was try to hold a conversation about this abrupt news.

"How you feeling, Missy?" Ashley asked when we finally sat down at our lunch table.

"I'm fine. Don't I look fine?" I shrugged it off, but my eyes were focused in on Kenny. He was in the back of the cafeteria getting cozy with some lil' shonin' ass girl. It might have been the same one from the party, but her weave looks dustier than the other girl's.

Ashley rubbed my back in comfort. "You look great, but it's a very very rare occasion that you don't flat iron your hair."

"Like, I cannot remember the last time you wore your natural curls," she added.

"Didn't have time to do that today. Plus, my hair could use a break from that heat." In all honesty, I wore my hair straight most of the time because Kenny liked it that way. Apparently, curls are unattractive...at least that's what he said.

Just as I spoke, Kenny strolled over to our table with a complacent grin on his face. It irritated me how he was so cool about what had happened between us this past weekend. I mean, I won't lie and say that I love Kenny...but he had a quality about him that always got me to stick around.

"Hey, ladies. Ash, you mind if I talk to Melissa alone right quick?" he inquired politely while sliding in my government name. That immediately pissed me off and he knew it.

Ashley did not budge after he asked her to move and I loved her for it. She knew that I was already close to losing my cool as it is.

"Ok, never mind then...you can listen to what I have to say too," he started and then zoned in on me. I noticed that before he even opened his mouth to speak, others around us were staring at us.

"Can I help y'all?" I barked at the irrelevant people while mentally rolling my eyes.

"Anyway, I need you to give me my Letterman jacket back. Bring it to school tomorrow, please..." Kenny got up after he said his piece and winked at me. I nearly vomited on the inside. "Oh, and one more thing..."

Before I could even blink, he yanked the necklace that he had bought me for my birthday last year off of my neck and walked back to his table. I sat there in shock and at this point he had my blood boiling with anger. I can believe he just tried to play me like that in public, again.

I grabbed the chili cheese fries from my tray and quickly stood up. Ashley tugged at my wrist. "Missy, don't do it."

I disregarded everything she said and started to walk over to his table behind him. "Kenny, wait up!" I called out. He stopped and turned around to face me.


I lunged towards his tall stature and the warm fries landed in his face. There was a slight moment of dead silence before the entire cafeteria erupted in laughter. Kenny was not laughing and neither was I.

Just as he raised his arm to swing at me, I kneed him in his balls. "Now, what?! Ol' pussy ass nigga!"


"Bruh, y'all fools should have been in lunch today," Ben said when approaching me and Will in the hallway at our lockers.

"Why, what happened?" Will questioned.

"Ya girl was tripping, that's what..." Bennett pulled out his phone and showed us a video. Apparently, Missy clowned Kenny in front of everybody in the cafeteria.

"That's nothing new," I shrugged. "That's her MO."

Will chuckled softly and shook his head. "She's so bae for that." Bennett and I looked at the man like he had lost his mind.

"Mentally ill."


"Man, whatever...Kenny deserved that, especially for how he treated her. Why you cheat on a goddess like Missy?"

I cringed when hearing my best friend about her like she was something special. "I applaud Kenny for even dealing with her for that long. She not worth it," I uttered.

"Neither was Leah, but you dated her yamp for a minute. What's the difference?" Will snapped back at me.

"Leah was a nice shone. Missy is a bitter chick," I replied.

Bennett replied with laughter. "Y'all stupid bro."

"Anyway, so Ben how was Shana on Saturday? You got her number, I hope?" he nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, she's cool people. We was on the metro all last night." I smiled when hearing my boy speak of another girl.


"Oh, and Don...I got the perfect girl for this bet now since it is Monday. You still up for it?"

A small smile formed on my lips when he brought it up. "Hell, yeah! Name the girl." I rubbed my hands together preparing my myself for the next conquest.

"Here y'all go with shit again. I'm out," Will shook his head and closed his locker, starting to leave the building before us.

"Before I tell you the girl, we have to clarify the rules. You have until the end of the school year to make her fall in love with you and I have to hear her say it. If you at any point, give up and want to back out of it. You lose."

"Sounds simple, matter fact let's raise the prize money to four hundred."

"Eh, that's pricey but okay. Let's shake on it." Once we agreed on the terms, I was more than ready to go.

Now, who is the girl?" I asked with my brows arched, anticipating his pick. Bennett was already chuckling as if he had this in the bag.

"None other than Missy Alexander." My face dropped when he picked said that demon child's name.

"I prefer my money in all twenties, bro," was all he said before he put his headphones in and strolled off to leave the school campus.

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