That Weird Nerd Is Mine! (A Marcel Styles Fan Fiction)

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Since we all cannot get over the adorable geek that is Marcel Styles, I decided to write the story that's been going on in my Inner Mind Theater!

I am writing this here in my ipod so please forgive the mistakes!

Once again, I ask you to share, vote and comment! This gives me so much confidence and belief in myself, please do it! Haha! I will love you even more!

Enjoy! Xx


The loud warning bell of Weaveshire High School surrounded the hallways, suggesting all students to gather inside the gymnasium already for the morning ceremonies.

Students walked together with their group of friends, happily chatting and giggling telling each other stories of the weekend that had gone by oh so quickly.

They all gathered according to the stereotypes, a common high school tradition that certainly haven't diminished yet.

The school sluts walked and their high heels clanked against the tiled floor whilst they show off more skin than usual girls do, winking and suggestively sending kisses to the jocks who also gather together in their uniform jackets of white and red, the school's official theme.

The school council officers, as per usual, lead the students inside the big gymnasium, making sure nobody skips the ceremonies and lists the late comers too.

The black-aura-bearing people of the school, also known as The Emo's walked together in their usual dark auras and all-black outfits with heavy black eyeliners and messy hair do's.

There were also the preppy people, the musicians, the cheerleaders, the theater club people, the school church leaders, booklovers, comic-con people and of course, the populars.

These people who stand up in the top most part of the hierarchy. The people who gains everyone's approval and are the eye candies of the whole school because they had almost everything. From brains, to athletic skills, to music talents and of course, their charm. They won people's attention with no fail at all. These girls and boy that everybody wants to be, these populars who everybody loves and hopes to be close with.

In contrary, if there are people who are highly wanted and looked up to by people, there will always be some people who everyone avoids.

One, maybe because they have weird actions like inappropriate booger-picking in public like Trey Madison, year 12.

Or maybe two, they have uh... Well, a very indecent smell. Like Randalli Usaman, year 9.

Or maybe three, just because they have an awful sense of style and they are those we call... Nerds.

Like Marcel Styles, year 11. He, as always, walks inside the gymnasium and all his classes only accompanied by his heavy leather mailman bag, slung across his body. What made him even more unlikable by his schoolmates is his really old-school fashion sense. From his thickly greased-up hair, to his closed-collared shirts paired with some nasty vests and high-waisted dress pants, he looked like he is in the wrong century. Add to the terrible fashion are his humongous eyeglass that makes his eyes look zoomed in. Thank the Lord he has a pretty set of teeth, because God forbid if he wore braces... He will look even more like of a tragedy.

And so the hallways cleared bit by bit as the students started to fill the gymnasium.

Zooey's POV

I faked to look like I am very much interested to what Isabbel is talking about as the four of us walked towards the large doors of the assembly hall. She's a nice friend, but she talks about herself too much and it's becoming annoying. If she stops talking about herself, she starts talking shit about other people, as if she's the only great thing that happened in the world.

"Oh yeah? That's great!" I flatter her so she wouldn't recognize my loss of interest.

"Gosh! That would bloody fit you, we should all go shopping again this weekend and buy the same shoes but with different colors!" Lara suggested and I tried not to roll my eyes. For God's sake, how many same clothes and shoes should we all buy?! What are we, the Spice Girls or something?!

Lara is the goody-two shoes among us all. Or maybe that's what she wants us to believe. She says all these nice things to people and pretend to be an angel when she's in front of them, but once you turn your back? Oh let the gossip games begin. Together with Isabbel, they make the nastiest comments. Sometimes I hate them for being so judgmental towards others.

"OMG! That is a brilliant idea, I will go get the purple one, you get the pink Lara--" before Isabbel could even direct me what color to choose, Gene cuts her out and raised her hand that is free from Isabbel's stuffs and bag.

"Oh! Oh! Can I have the red one?" she smiled hopefully, only to be turned down by her 'best friend'.

"Erm... No. That isn't your color Gen, you get the orange one," the poor lass wanted to defend but Isabbel gave her no chance. "Zooey gets the red one because it fits her better."

"If she wants the red shoe, she can have it. I can wear orange." I shrugged. Gen's face lighted up but of course, Isabbel had to ruin it again.

"No!!! Red suits YOU not her! Besides, orange is okay with you Gen, right?!"

"Erm, well... Y-yeah, I guess orange works for me." she replied and forced a laugh. Oh Genevieve!

I sighed and shook my head as we walked through swarms of people. I was about to reach for Gen and cheer her up when my body collided with something hard.

"Ow!" I chorused with the thing, or most apparently, someone that I bumped into.

Realizing it was really a person, I looked up to see it was the boy with freakishly big glasses from Gen's chemistry class last year. His books scattered on the floor which he struggled to pick up one by one whilst people step on those without any care. I was too disgusted by the action shown by my fellow students to even move my body to help the poor lad.

"Gosh, Zooey are you alright?!" Lara approached me with a concerned look and I smiled reassuringly.

"You idiot, watch where you're going!!" Isabbel started to lecture the lad and I instantly felt sorry for him.

"Isabbel! It's not his fault, I was the one not looking." I defended and walked towards him. He struggled fixing his glasses with both hands occupied by books and a paper bag, grunting in annoyance that he can't reach his eyes.

"I'm so sorry," I told him and he looked up.

"I-I-It's uhm... O-okay, yeah... Uhm..." he stuttered a lot and I forced myself not to laugh at his cuteness. The last thing I wanted to do is to offend him.

"Why are you even apologizing, he was being a klutz!" Isabbel had her arms crossed over her shirt, smirking teasingly at him. I shot her a look. I really hate my friends sometimes.

"No he isn't, I told you it was my fault." I told her and turned around again towards the lad. "I'm really sorry uhm... What's your name again?"

"Erm... M-Marcel." he looked down, obviously shy.

"Oh, okay. Are you alright Ma--" I tried to reach for his arm but he jolted away.

"Don't!" he shouted causing me to back away. He looked panicked, looking left and right then to me then looking away again before he scurries far from us.

I was gobsmacked. What did I do?!

"So ruuude!" Lara gestured.

"True. He's a lame weirdo, no wonder no one hangs out with him." Isabbel said.

"Shut up you girls! He didn't do anything!" I shook my head and walked towards our usual spot as the ceremonies were about to begin.

"Actually, he did something wrong. He chose the wrong clothes." Lara commented making Isabbel laugh with her whilst me and Gen share an annoyed look.

Why are we friends again? Oh right, because they were the first girls who talked to me when I became popular.

"Stop it okay? Maybe Marcel doesn't have the best fashion in school but I think he's a nice guy and that's what counts." I snorted and they rolled their eyes at me.

Luckily, the head master has started to speak already, giving the two no chance to talk back to me. Saved.

But not for long.

Marcel's POV

I hate Mondays.

For one, because it meant I have to endure another week with all these mean people around me, especially Jake, the jerk who always bullies me. Girls like him because he's good looking and he's a jerk. I don't get the last concept though. Why would girls nowadays like mean bastards like him?

Second reason is because I have to carry all these thick books and my heavy bag all day long again. I know I could just put it in my locker, but as much as possible, I don't want to because Jake's locker is right beside mine. I'm just giving him more chance to make fun of me. I'd rather carry all these stuffs with me all day long. All week long.

As if heavens are making fun of me today, I had to bump with someone careless on my way to the assembly. Ugh! Now my books are scattered all over the floor! And add to my annoyance, people stepped on my stuffs without any care. I grunted as I picked my items one by one, my glasses slightly falling off my nose bridge. I wasn't paying attention to the person who bumped me because I thought she's only gonna walk away without saying sorry, besides, I was too pissed to listen.

By the time I stood up, my hands were full and my glasses are slipping off my face. Oh for god's sake!

"Isabbel! It's not his fault, I was the one not looking."

My heart jumped when I realized who is talking.

It's Zooey!!! Zooey Freaking Fletcher!!!

I looked at her with wide eyes, which I'm certain made my already googley eyes appear even more googlier.

Her friend started making fun of me but she... Defended me? Wow. And she apologized to me even! Wow!

Then she asked me if I was alright, I wanted to say "Yeah sure. It's fine, we're good, babe." then smile and wink at her.

But of course, I only managed to say a very stuttery version of "I'm okay."

Damn it Marcel! You had one job!

Her curly haired friend teased me further but she looks like she's annoyed by it so she defended me again. Oh heavens. Her lips are so gorgeous when she speaks, and her gray eyes looks so enthralling. She's so kind as well, God I like her a lot.

Then I realized she was asking my name. Again, I stuttered but I was able to say my name. Bloody hell, i'm so nervous.

"Oh. Okay... Are you alright Ma--"

Shit she's reaching to touch me oh God grab her and hug her-- No kiss her and tell her to marry you! No shit, that's gonna freak her out, oh out-- yeah that's right, ask her out!!! No, oh my fucking balls, no--




Why did I say that?! Why the hell did you fucking flinch away Marcel you scared her?! OH MY GOD YOU IDIOT! RUN!!!



Stupid, stupid Marcel!



This is the first of the few more chapters! I wanted to write this originally as a one shot but ohh I am too talkative in writing so it will end up as a short book. About two or three chapters left maybe?

I hope you liked this! :)

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