Back To School Dilemmas

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I. Am. Super. Duper. SORRY!!

Oh my gosh, I am such a sucker updter these past few weeks! My home wifi still isn't back and the last week, a storm came here in my country which was the readon why classes were suspended and yeah as you all know school wifi is my only internet commection so I wasnt able to update for so long. I am terribly sorry, wattpad app is acting up as well and I had trouble updating this chapter!

But yeah you all lot are amazing, thank you so much for waiting for this and I wrote a bit long one so please enjoy it. I love you all so much, thank you thank you! Keep the lovely comments and votes coming, it hypes me up!

Somebody asked me to post a photo of what Zooey looks like. She is actually based on my favorite actress Zooey Deschanel herself! Please no hate on her! I really do love that girl!

Next update will be at 30 votes please! Make it happen! I love you all!


Two weeks have gone by quickly and Marcel is able to stand up on his own feet again-- with the help of crutches, of course. He isn't allowed to do so too much though, he will either have to use a wheelchair or simply lie down again. He preferred the first one being a person who loves doing something all the time. Besides, two weeks on bed has been enough to almost have given him a nervous breakdown. He totally hates doing nothing and Zooey's insistent attitude towards doing his homework didn't help at all.

"I'm glad my writing hand wasn't broken." he murmured whilst he excitedly place his school stuffs inside his bag neatly.

Zooey smiled as she watched him. He resembled a little boy who is about to go to school for the first time in his life. In that moment, she imagined how her and Marcel's little boy would look like someday when it's his time to go to school too. Just then, it dawned to her that she might be thinking too soon. It is weird but... She likes the thought.

"Are you sure you're going to be fine pushing my wheelchair around? I can do it myself, seriously--"

She cuts short his rambling and said, "Marcel we talked about this already. I said it's fine." she pushed herself up from the couch and walked towards him and leaned down to kiss his cheek. A small blush ran through his skin, the butterflies in his gut never dies no matter how long it had been between him and Zooey.


"Now, you better rest. We have an early start tomorrow." she told him and scurried to get her bag. "I'll see you tomorrow at half seven, okay?"

Marcel gave her a smile and nodded. Soon, Zooey found her way out of his room.

The next morning, Marcel, as usually had himself readied as early as seven. He realised that he still have half an hour before she comes to pick him up so he decided he'll pack some lunch for both of them to share. He knew a recipe that would barely take him twenty minutes to prepare. He also wanted to do this to thank her. She's done a lot for him after all.

He was just done when he heard the front door opening and his mother's voice, gleefully greeting Zooey. Then he heard Anne calling for him. "I'll be there mum!" he answered and carried the lunch bag together with his mailman bag, hanging on one of his shoulders.

"Someone's excited to go back to school huh?" she teased him whilst he struggled pushing the wheels of his wheelchair.

"I am. Really excited! I was all ready at seven, so I thought maybe I should make some lunch for... Us?" his words faltered when his eyes saw his mother giggling at one corner. Suddenly he felt so conscious and shy.

"Did you?" her lips tugged up in a smile. It was the sweetest thing, then again, Marcel always does the sweetest things. "I'm so looking forward for lunch."

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