Big Steps

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Zooey's POV

A month.

It's been a painful one whole month after Marcel told me to leave him be. 

For almost a week, we've been the talk in the whole school until our schoolmates found a new issue to talk about. Marcel's been resting in his house because of his injuries all through the week and I had to face and endure what people had been saying alone. It almost felt like i was having a relapse of what i used to be years ago. I felt like the old, timid and bullied Zooey again. \

I kept looking for my safety. I kept looking for Marcel's touch. But then again, I remembered he never want to do anything with me again.

While I wallow with my sadness inside my head, Louis and Niall, who I spend most of my time with ever since, kept talking about whaat college they are off to in a couple of months. 

"Man, I'm not even sure yet if I am going to graduate. Head master hates me like fuck." Niall scratched the back of his head. 

Louis snorted a laugh. "That's because you're being a ig pain in his ass, Niall." 

"Sut up." he said laughing along and shoving Louis away. 

"And why are you even here in our school? You don't even go here!" 

"I have a lot of time okay!"

They seemed to notice my lack of affect and interaction with them that they stopped from goofing around. Louis reached for my shoulder. "Zooey," I snapped out of my train of thoughts and turned to look at them who eyed me with concern. "You're zoning out again." 

"S-Sorry..." I cleared my throat. "I was uh.... Thinking about college." 

"Okay. Where do you plan to go anyways?" Niall asked me and took a bite of his sandwich. 

Where do I plan to go?

"Uh... QMUL. Yeah, i think I'll go to Queen Mary's." 

"That's nice, I think I'm going to University of Leeds or London College of Music. I don't know, wherever my grades take me." Niall shrugged. 

"LCM is about forty minutes away from QMUL! You'll spend more time with Zooey than i can! My university's going to be like four hours away from hers! Not fair!" Louis pouted almost making me smile. Almost.

"You already got a football scholarship, we can't everything we want, okay?" Niall teased Louis who started to punch his shoulder.

And then it dawned to me, only a couple more months and we are all moving away. I think I'm going to miss these goofballs. And him. Well i already miss him now. 

I wonder what uni he will go to. 


Marcel's POV

I woke up at a Saturday morning with my mum banging my door loudly. 

I groaned loudly, "I'm awake mum, stop it!" I limped to the door and opened to reveal an overly excited mother holding an envelope. "What's it mum? It's like-- eight on a weekend." 

"I got good news!" she squealed. 

"Okay..." I simply said, not really in the mood to be in a happy state. Not since I foolishly let her go.

"I got a letter from Oxford University!" she grabbed my hand and my eyes bulged. I almost forgot that i applied for Oxford. Shit, i think I got turned down and my mum hasn't read my rejection letter yet. i think she thought it's an acceptance letter but the truth is-- "You got in, Marcel!"

My jaw dropped. "Wha--How--WHAT!?" 

My mother simply nodded excitedly. That is so impossible! 

"I got in?!" she nodded again. "As in... I am going to Oxford University?!" my mother nodded again and then she started jumping and hugging me, tearing up because her baby is taking a big step to his future.

My mum handed me the letter and indeed, when I read it, it said that I got in. Holy mother of God, this is surreal. 

I am going to Oxford University. 

After a couple more squealing and jumping, my mother finally let me go saying she had to call my sisters and my father and step-father to tell them about it. I stepped inside my room again, still in shock and holding the letter in my shaking hand. I still cannot believe my luck. 

"Louis!" I said out loud when in my head, i thought i should tell him. If only I could call Zooey and tell her first instead of Louis. 

I grabbed my phone from the desk and instantly dialled his number. A few rings later, i heard his groggy voice. "if this isn't any sort of emergency, i am going to fucking kill you." he warned making me chuckle. 

"It's already past eight, you should be up and working out by now. Footie training remember?" I reminded him. 

"I got up at four and jogged until five. I worked out until half six and I just got back to sleep, you mother fucker." He hissed. So that's why he is so cranky.

"Alright, alright, I'll be quick then so you can go back to sleep. I got in Oxford University." I calmly told him. Louis didn't say anything and i thought he fell asleep on me. As i was about to hang the call, I heard shhuffling and then suddenly, he talked again. 

"was i dreaming or did you just say you got in Oxford U?" 

I chuckled. "Yeah, i cannot believe it  myself either." 

"Shit! Fucking hell, are you for real!? Oxford!? Wow! Damn, marcel, we need to celebrate! I'll call Niall and Zooey, we should go celebrate and--" he gasped. "oh shit, not Zooey. Sorry man, I--" 

"It's okay," No it's not. "I... I understand." 

I heard Louis sigh at the other end of the line. "It's only a matter of couple of months. Are you really letting her go like this?" 

I didn't speak. Not out loud, at least. Because in my head i keep saying No, I don't want to.

God damn it Zooey, I miss you so much.



So I was supposed to update last week but when I was about to save the chapter, the computer died. So i got pissed and went to sleep instead. Sorry about that. 

Anyways, short chapter, just a filler coz I know you miss Zarcel. LOL! I wish!

So I just wanted y'all to see how they are almost done with high school which means they're going to be apart soon enough which means zarcel might or might not get back together. Depends on how you'll all tell me to fuck off and get them back together. hahaha! 

I'm excited for their university life!!! Should I write it as a sequel or should I just continue it on the book or just bugger off and end this shit? hmmmmmmm.

 On another news, remember my crush that is a model that I told you about? Well he asked me to tutor him every after class and we spend a lot of tim,e together. damn, he is not just a pretty boy, he also has a sense of humor! We talked about our past relationships and how we hate relationships already and how it fucks everything up. He cannot believe I'm almost 21 and still a virgin and he told me maybe I was a really good kisser that's why my exes didn't ask for more. I really thought he wanted to ask me to kiss him so he'll see, I really wish he did, coz hell I will do it! he told me how he only do no strings attatched kind of things now and asked me why I don't. I told him I'm enjoying my life with my friends and maybe beacuse I haven't found my own "fuck buddy" yet (Which i assume I will never have). And then he said he can be my fuck buddy and I was like-- ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! And then he laughed and patted my head and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and said, "i'm kidding you're too cute for me." Holy shit he thinks I'm a kid but he's only 3 years older than me! But who cares he wrapped his arms around me! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! 

So yeah everything must end here coz I'm being such an idiot now. 

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