You're Mine

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Oh hey I am back! Two updates in a day!

here's a longer chapter for you so I could make it up after that short chapter I posted last time! And also this might be the last post for a couple of days again because we still don't have wifi back! Sorry!

Please vote! Please please! And thank you all for the comments! They make me so happy! And it pushes me to write more! Keep them coming, I love you all!

Tell me what you think and make me feel like I should post another chapter. Hit vote, post a comment and do share!



Zooey's POV

"Oh my god!" I screamed when Marcel suddenly fell lifeless on the bed. Thank god we were sitting on his bed or else he might have gained a massive wound!

"Marcel! Marcel, wake up!" I slapped his face, hard enough to try and wake him up but it was no use! Damn it, what the hell happened?!

Did my kiss try to kill him?! What am I, Poison Ivy or something?!

Shit! What do I do? What do I do?!

If I call Anne, she will most definitely panic and hate me for killing her only son!

I should get a wet towel, right!

I ran in his closet to find a face towel to wet and luckily, I found one neatly folded inside his drawers. Quickly, I stormed inside his bathroom and washed the cloth under the cold tap water.

I brought it with me back to where I left Marcel. Gently, I pressed the cold towel around his angelic face after I got rid of his glasses. I silently prayed that he will wake up.

"Please... Marcel, wake up!" I mumbled.

"Hmmm... Zo,"

I almost leapt from the bed when I heard him, slowly waking up. "Yes! Yes, Marcel I am here!" I cupped one of his cheeks with my cold, wet hand.

"Zo... Zooey?" his brows furrowed as confusion strikes his face. He looked at me as if I shouldn't be here!

"Yeah? You okay?" I asked.

Suddenly, Marcel bolted up from his position. "It wasn't a dream?!"


"The kiss! It wasn't a dream?!"

I looked at him and then I realized what he was saying. Damn, he thought our sudden kiss was a dream! I lost my control and I started laughing so hard making him pout angrily at me.

"Stop laughing, nothing's funny." he crossed his arms over his chest like a child making me laugh harder.

"Oh yeah there is! First you fainted when I kissed you and then-and then, you wake up and thought it was all a dream! Oh Marcel! You're so cute!"

His cheeks flushed brightly and I can't help but jump right in front of him and wrap my arms around his neck. This made him squirm uncomfortably and blush brighter but I only found it amusing. Call me a sadist for torturing him, but you can't blame me. He's too cute to resist.

"No Marcel, you're not going anywhere. From now on, you're mine." I proclaimed and sealed it with a kiss taking him by surprise again. Soon, Marcel followed my lead and kissed me back too.

Who knew this geek could be a good kisser?

When we broke a kiss, we both cannot conceal the smile we have plastered on our faces. My insides feel like it's spinning, goose skin covered my whole body and everything felt like... I don't know, Buzzing!

I really like this boy, don't I? Oh I really do.

"S-So... You mean to say t-that I-I'm you know? Y-your uhm... B-B-B-Boy..."

I chuckled to the sight of him being all nervous again. I pecked the top of his nose and nodded. "Yeah, you're my boyfriend. And I am your girlfriend."

Damn, that felt right.


Marcel's POV

"Yeah, you're my boyfriend. And I am your girlfriend."

I am her boyfriend.

I am Zooey Fletcher's boyfriend.

Zooey Fletcher likes me.

Holy geometry, this really is happening! Marcel! You did it!

My heartbeat doubled once again. This time I think something inside me is going to explode, I can't breathe normally. I am having a panic attack! A good panic attack! Holy geometry!

I gulp thickly and breathed in, "C-Can you uhm, give me a second p-please? I just... Need to c-calm myself?" my voice hitched and she giggled at me nodding and removing her arms off me. I felt instantly cold and longing of her warmth. But I decided against my will to touch her again, because dammit I really need to relax!

I stood from the bed and walked fast out of my room, straight downstairs to where my mother is. I saw her watching a re-run of Doctor Who with a phone in her hand, probably talking to one of my sisters. She whipped her head towards me and her brow cocked up. "Why is your shirt inside out?"

I ignored her question and knelt beside her. "Can you slap me mum?"

My mother looked at me with even more confusion. She must be thinking her son is completely going mad! I heard the person, who I reckon is Gemma, on the other line shouting loud enough, "DID HE ASK FOR A SLAP?! DAMMIT I WANNA DO IT, I WANNA DO IT!"

"Marcel, what are you saying?!"

"Mum just slap me please! I wanna know if I am not dreaming!"

"Marcel why would I slap my son for no reason, I wouldn't hurt my boy--"


And there suddenly my mother's hand smacked my face. Hard. Hard enough to send me flying across the room.

"I am not dreaming, it hurt!" I stood up from the ground with the biggest grin as if I wasn't slapped at all. "I am not dreaming! Mum! Gemma! Zooey and I really are together!" I screamed to the top of my lungs and held hands with my mother who followed my lead, jumping up and down. I heard my sister's voice on the other line screaming like a maniac as well, and... Sobbing? My sister is crying?

"Gemma are you okay?" I stopped jumping and shouted loud enough so she'll hear.

"Yeah... God... So h-happy!" was all I managed to understand whilst she sobbed against the phone. I wish I could see her face right now, it would've been priceless!

Our little celebration was cut short when I heard someone clearing her throat behind us. My mum and I snapped our heads and found an awkwardly standing Zooey. Her cheeks were flushed and God she looks cute!

"Oh! Zooey, dear you are there!" my mother chuckled. "Sorry, we were having a little racket!"

"Uhm, it's okay." she smiled shyly.

We almost forgot about Gemma on the other line until we heard her loudly declaring she had to go and 'report' this to Veronica before we all heard a long beeping sound from the speaker suggesting she already hung up.

I felt suddenly embarrassed and guilty. I shouldn't have told my mum let alone told Gemma about this yet. What if she didn't like what I did?

"I should leave you two alone now, I think my dishes are waiting for me in the sink!" my mother told us. I noticed she whispered something to Zooey that made her smile so big and when she was far gone out of sight, I bravely snatched Zooey's hand and pulled her to sit beside me on the sofa.

"A-Are you... Mad at m-me?"

"What? Oh no! No, Marcel, I'm not! I was just... Overwhelmed. That's all, love."

The way she called me 'love' only sent me some more shivers down my spine. The things she does to me by doing such simple things.

"S-So what did my mum say to you?"

"Oh that?" she bit lip, smilingly. "Well, she told me 'Welcome to the family'."

She sounded so happy, so proud. I never doubted that my family would ever not like her. She is a lovely girl, one of a kind.

"Did she? I'm not surprised, they all love you here."

"You think so?"

"It's obvious, Zo." I smiled and so did she.

For a moment, we both gazed at each other and marveled at what we see. My eyes scanned her beautiful featured until I was caught frozen by her mesmerizing eyes. Sure I've known how beautiful her eyes are before but right now, I came to realize her eyes aren't just beautiful. They are enthralling, sublime, divine. I feel like her stare is diving right into the depths of my soul and I'm not even complaining.

I thought to myself, how the hell did this kind of perfect girl ever like me? What did she see in me? I'm nothing like the guys in school that she should most likely fit to be with. I'm a nerd. A weird, awfully dressed, outcasted nerd. My smile was washed away from my face as I lower down my gaze. Maybe she's just feeling pity over me but she doesn't really like me? I mean-- Who am I to be noticed by her. I am nobody.

"Hey," her tone, worried. "What's wrong Marcel?"

She prodded my chin up so I was looking at her once again. My sadness exposed to her empathic eyes.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No! I-It's not you, it's just... Zooey I don't feel like... Like I should be with you-- I mean, y-you're a school celebrity and me? Well I am a nobody." her gaze softened at me whilst she listened.

"There are a lot of guys out there who looks better, dressed up better and in every aspect better than me! I-I am just... Marcel, the nerd lad."

Taking me by surprise, she took hold of both my cheeks and squeezed my face, letting out soft giggles. A quick peck was placed on my lips making me shiver before she told me, "Which makes you the perfect guy for me."

"Zo... I--"

"I don't care about those other pathetic, egoistical and cocky lads. I like YOU and I am not changing my decision anytime soon, I don't think I'll ever change my decision." once again, she kissed me. I smiled into our kiss, completely swallowed by the blissful moment we are sharing.

Still. Cannot. Believe. This.


We both turned our heads towards where the snapping sound came from only to find my
mother holding her phone in one hand, snapping our photo.

"Mum!!!!" I grunted in embarrassment. On the other hand, Zooey squeezed my arm chuckling and told me "It's okay Marcel."

"It's for documentation purposes, son!" my mum defensively told me before winking at my girlfriend.

Wow that still sounds a bit weird? Girlfriend? Girlfriend.


Just like any other day, Zooey knew this day had come to an end already for them and it is time for her to go home. Away from his warm touch. She groaned inwardly to the thought, but she wouldn't want her brother scolding her for going home from Marcel's house late. The last thing she would want to happen is to give Tom a reason to hate Marcel. Knowing Tom, he could be overprotective of her and Marcel will have a really hard time gaining his approval.

When she told Anne and Marcel she has to go, Anne complained a bit pouting her lips and asking her if she could just stay for the night.

"If only I could Anne, but I'm afraid my brother will give me a piece of his mind if he finds out he could be a kill joy sometimes." she explained. Anne pulled her in for a hug and thanked her in a whisper for 'Making Marcel so happy'. Her heart swelled.

When Marcel found out she only came there walking, he suddenly insisted he will drive her home. She told him he didn't have to but she was taken by surprise when a forceful and dominant Marcel took over. She was beyond amused seeing this unfamiliar side of her boyfriend.

"I guess that leaves me no choice, but can we walk instead? If it's okay?" she told him and he said okay.

"Wait here, I'll go get changed" for the first time, she didn't hear him stutter.

In no time at all, Marcel popped beside her dressed in a grey hoodie and a matching joggers paired with a scruffed, white Nikes.

"Let's go?" he led her out of the house after telling his mum they're going.

As they walked side by side, their hands brushed against each other's giving them both an unexplainable yet pleasant feeling. She was Silently praying he would take notice and hold her hand but knowing Marcel, he'd be too scared to do so.



"C-Can I... Uhm, hold y-your hand?"

Well, that took him long enough.

"Marcel, note that I am already your girlfriend. This gives you all the rights to hold me whenever you want to or even kiss me or even..." she teasingly looked at him. It took Marcel a couple more seconds before he realized what she meant. His heartbeat raced over the perverted thoughts that ran in his mind, his cheeks flushed and this sight only made her laugh.

"What were you thinking Marcel?" she teased even more.

"I-- You made me think those perverted thoughts!"

She fake gasped clutching her hand over her chest. "Perverted?! I was thinking you could even cook for me if you want to! Marcel you-- Oh gosh!"

This even more made Marcel blush a brighter shade of crimson, good thing it was already too dark outside. He hoped she didn't notice how red he looks like now. "I-- No!!! I-- Oh stop it!"

His hand took hers, wrapping her smaller ones in a warm blanket of flesh. His sudden act of bravery silenced her, making her heart churn. Him and his little surprises.

Together, they walked down the quiet path under the bright moonlight, wanting nothing else more but each other's touch and warmth.


"You know, walking with you doesn't make me feel as tired as when I walk alone." she said as they come nearer the black steel gates of her house.

"Then maybe we should take long walks more often?" he smiled and she scrunched her nose.

"Nah, I still hate walking." she stated and they both shared a laugh as they stand in front of her house.

Soon their laughter dies down and Marcel cleared his throat, "C-Can I--"

"What did I say about asking these kinds of permission?" she raised a brow at him.

"Oh, y-yeah sorry..." Marcel scratched his temple awkwardly whilst she shook her head.

"Well, are you going to kiss me or what?"

"Y-yeah, here goes..." he slowly leaned in and she anticipated for the touch of his lips against hers.

"Almost there," he said which started to annoy her already. "I'm--"

"Shut up and kiss me!" she raised her voice and without a warning, she pulled him by his neck and crashed their lips together.

Marcel let out small whimpers but soon, their mouthes moved in sync, tasting each other's lips without a care about anything else. Her hands took Marcel's and placed it on top of her hips then went back to snaking around his neck. Marcel took the chance to deepen the kiss and close the gap between them even more.

She giggled, thinking how Marcel could turn himself from awkward to dominating to awkward again. She can just never get enough of him.


The two jumped away from each other when a sudden forced cough was heard just right beside them.

"Glad to see you back, Miss Zooey." an uptight french accent which Zooey was sure was from their butler Anton greeted them both. She glared at his mocking stare.

Meanwhile, Marcel stood frozen in his spot panicking in his head of what he must do.

There's only one thing to do, he thought.

"Good evening, sir." he extended a hand, shaking from the nerve wracking tension he feels inside. "My name is M-Marcel Styles, I am your daughter's b-boyfriend."

Anton looked at him quizzically but he politely shook the lad's hand.

On the other hand, Zooey bit her cheeks to avoid erupting in laughter. "Marcel... Uhm, That is a really nice gesture but... Uhm, Anton is our butler, not my dad."

And as soon as she said that, both herself and Anton broke in laughter while Marcel endlessly groaned and begged them to stop laughing at him.


"See you tomorrow, boyfriend." she winked at him.

"Can you... Say that again?"

"What? See you tomorrow?" she teased earning a grunt at him. "Okay okay! I was just teasing, boyfriend."

When that last word sprang out of her mouth, his eyes lit up once more. "I'll never get tired of hearing you call me that."

"Sure you won't, boyfriend. I'm pretty sure after what they saw today, girls will be all over you by tomorrow."

"I doubt that, Zo. And even if that happens, I don't think I'll ever look at them the way I look at you." he stated as he tucked stray bundles of her hair behind her ears and then kissing her nose, a small gesture that would soon be her favorite act of Marcel.

"Pinky promise?" she held her pinky up. Marcel chuckled at her childish action, nevertheless, he wrapped his own longer ones around hers.

"Pinky promise." he said.

"Seal it with a kiss."

He lowered down his face and placed a kiss on the pad of her thumb. "Noooo, right here!" she groaned and then pouted her lips.

"Whatever you want, love." he told her laughingly before he placed another lingering kiss on her lips. "I really have to go now," he said when they broke the kiss.

"Yeah, but I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"Let me drive us to school, for a change? I don't want you driving for me all the time."

"Oh... Okay? Are you going to use my car?"

"No, silly! I have a car, Zo. Surprised?"

A scene of a very nervous Marcel driving a car played at the back of her head making her smile wickedly at him. This should be fun.

"I am, actually. So, good night Marcel. I want to wake up early tomorrow and get ready for a ride of my life. Nighty night boyfriend." she winked and pranced inside the gated of her house leaving Marcel outside, smiling like an idiot again.

"Nighty night, angel." he muttered before turning around and walking back home.

Marcel was oblivious of the next thing that will happen to him for all he thought and all he cared was that Zooey Fletcher is now his girlfriend. All his.


Did you like it? Marcel is so awkward! Hahah!

Thank you all for making this reach 800 reads in a week! Thank you for the votes and the comments, please keep them coming and make me feel like I should continue writing! Thank you! Xx

Love from Marcel and Zooey.
Help me think of a couple name for them! Comment below!

That Weird Nerd Is Mine! (A Marcel Styles Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now