Soon we were in Nando’s. We talked a lot in the car. I found out some facts about Niall like his favourite colour is green like me, he is 5 feet 7 inches, 5 inches taller than me, and he is a lefty, like me. We had so much fun in Nando’s. Unfortunately, a few freaking paparazzi found us soon enough, but the boys were used to it. They just ignored them. Everyone will know about me, I thought. But I’ll worry about that later. Now I was busy staring at Niall and Louis. Louis kept giving glances at me, and whenever he noticed that I was looking at him, he would swiftly look away at something else. I looked at Niall. He was happy with his food. So were me, but hello, I’m with One Direction over here! Then I looked at Zayn and Elise. One looked at the other when the other was looking away. I nudged Elise. She smiled, and pointed towards Niall. I smiled, knowing that she understood I had feelings for Mr. Niall James Horan over here. He looked soo cute!
We reached home at 8 o’clock. Then I went to wash my face. Mum was away. She had another of her boring parties to attend. The boys, extremely kindly, payed for us in Nando’s. Liam had announced that we were gonna watch Toy Story now. Turns out this is my dear cousin’s favourite movie. ‘Dunno how school will be like tomorrow.’ I said to Elise. She nodded. ‘But luckily that will be the last day before term ends.’ She added. Then we two went downstairs. They have already started watching the movie without us. ‘Hey! Did you guys forget us?’ I complained to them. ‘Shut up, will ya Sam!’ Liam hushed us. ‘Go and find yourselves a place to sit.’ I looked around and sat next to Niall on his couch. Louis was on my other side. I felt weird for some reason; I dunno why. Liam was sitting on the floor, just in front of the screen. Harry was sitting in the armchair all by himself. Zayn was sitting on the other couch. Elise sat next to him. The movie looked like it would never end. Liam was the only one who really paid attention to the movie. Zayn and Elise kept glancing at each other; Harry was staring intently at something on the floor; I just couldn’t stop looking at Niall and giving side glances at Louis. Louis was looking down at something in his legs. I could feel that Niall was aware that I was looking at him. I planned that I will talk to him after the movies ends.

Still The One
FanfictionUPDATE- CARROTY FANFIC AHEAD SO DONT READ THANK YOU!!! Will it all work out? keep reading, aye. keep smiling as well =)