Minutes went by without anything happening. ‘I’m bored.’ Niall complained. ‘So are we,’ We all replied at once. ‘Wanna go and have a walk with me?’ I asked. ‘There’s an awesome park nearby.’ He nodded his head. ‘Cool.’ He said. ‘You guys stay here, alright?’ I told to Harry. ‘No problem.’ Harry said with a grin.
Niall took my hand and we went out of the room. As soon as we went outside the hospital, we saw that the paparazzi were still scattered all over the place. ‘Seriously, how do you guys cope with it?’ I asked Niall. He shrugged. ‘We’re used to it.’ He said.
After about 5 minutes, we reached the park. The moonlight had shined its way through the trees. It looked magnificent. ‘Nice park.’ Niall commented. I laughed.
‘So, you wanna sit somewhere?’ I asked him. ‘Okay,’ He said. We found a nice and welcoming spot. I put my head on Niall’s shoulder.
‘Sing me a song.’ I requested him. He shook his head. ‘Pleeaaasseeee?’ I begged him. ‘Oh alright. But I don’t have my guitar with me.’ He said.
‘But we do.’

Still The One
FanfictionUPDATE- CARROTY FANFIC AHEAD SO DONT READ THANK YOU!!! Will it all work out? keep reading, aye. keep smiling as well =)