‘Samantha? Where are you?’ I heard him call me an hour later. I just took a shower. ‘I’m coming!’ said, brushing my hair for the last time. I went to the living room and tried to suppress my laughter as I saw Niall there rubbing his eyes. ‘Go take a shower.’ I said to him, smirking. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked, confused. I held up a mirror in front of him and he shrieked like a girl.
His face was covered with pen scribbles. ‘Saaaaaaam, wait for my revenge.’ He said in an attempt to make his voice sound deadly but failing. I pinched his cheek. ‘You are just too cute, Niall.’ I said before walking away to the bedroom and pretending to fall asleep. The moment I heard Niall entering the bathroom I went to the maindoor and opened it. Harry was standing there. ‘You ready?’ I whispered to him. He nodded, trying to control his laughter. We tiptoed to the washroom. I had a spare key of the washroom with me. I used it to open the door to find Niall singing on the top of his lungs and washing his face. He was in his boxers. ‘GOT YA!’ Harry shouted as Niall turned around shocked seeing us in the doorway. ‘Did you just record that?’ Niall asked in a low voice. ‘HELL YEAH FUDGING RIGHT!’ me and Harry shouted and ran away to Harry’s room. ‘Did you guys manage to do it?’ Elise and Hannah asked as they saw us enter the room. Elise and Zayn were chatting their time away here. We nodded excitedly. ‘Wait till we release it on YouTube,’ Harry said and high-fived me. This was gonna be good.
Niall was still mad at us that night when we went out for dinner. As soon as we released the clip online, it received a lot of views. ‘Oh come on Niall,’ I said to him at the restaurant we were eating. ‘It was just for fun. You can call it a video diary.’ I ruffled his hair and made puppy dog eyes at him. At last he gave in. ‘Okay then, but if you do it again then I’ll just… I don’t know what I’ll do.’ He warned us.
They had their first gig here tomorrow night. ‘Izzy? Is that you?’ Jake suddenly said staring above my head. I turned around to see a girl from our school. I didn’t really know her well, but she used to hang around with Jake a lot. Izzy waved at Jake. Jake stood up and introduced her to us. ‘Guys, I would like you to meet Isabella. She was my best friend in middle school.’ Jake started. ‘Izzy, meet Zoey, my sis; Samantha, another school friend; Elise and Hannah, her neighbor slash friends and—‘ Izzy cut him off. ‘One Direction ofcourse. I’m a huge fan.’ She said with a smile that seemed quite awkward to me. She was really pretty to be honest. She had tanned skin with black wavy hair and a really curvy body. She wore a lot of makeup. ‘Why don’t you join us?’ Harry asked her. ‘Oh my god yes!’ she said and instantly sat in Jake’s seat. I found that rude. So Jake took another chair and sat down. ‘I can’t believe im sitting here with 1D!!!!!’ she screamed. ‘Let me take a picture.’ She took out her iPhone and took a picture even before the boys could answer. Jake looked embarrassed. After hearing her adventures in Montreal, she finally said, ‘I should really be going.’ She took out a piece of paper from her bag and scribbled something on it. She gave it to Louis and winked at him before strutting off. Louis looked at the paper with a confused face.
When we returned to our hotel, all of us almost instantly went to bed. My thoughts were of Izzy before I drifted off to sleep.
‘Samantha? Wakey wakey!’
I rubbed my eyes. As soon as I opened them, I shrieked. ‘NIALL JAMES HORAN AND LIAM JAMES PAYNE WHAT IN THE WORLD—‘ I started. In front of me, Liam was holding a mirror. My whole face was pitch black with scribbles of a Sharpie pen.
‘I call this ‘REVENGE’,’ Niall smirked, making quotation marks with his fingers when he said revenge. He was holding a camcorder. ‘Well shit.’ I said before running off to wash my face. Luckily, Niall didn’t know where the spare keys were.
When I came out, I found a note on the table, reading—
‘Hey Sammy, I uploaded that vid of ya on YouTube and it instantly received more hits than mine! We are off to our rehearsal, and the others were still sleeping when I wrote this. Breakfast’s on the table. Love, Niall =) ’
I sighed. Maybe my prank was bad. I had the ‘breakfast’ Niall left me on the table and knocked on the doors of the others. I found out that Jake was awake. I asked him about the mysterious note that Lou got last night. ‘Well, Izzy gave Louis her number knowing perfectly well that I had it. She is not her old self anymore.’ Jake sighed. ‘Well, did Louis call her?’ I asked. ‘I don’t know…’ Jake said. Then we heard a knock. Zoey and Elise were awake. We greeted them. Hannah was the only one sleeping now.
When Hannah woke up, we decided to go out. Montreal was quite cold. We decided to do some shopping, though none of us really liked it. Since the store we were in had wifi, I decided to check my twitter. It was bombarding with mentions. I finally found the link to the video. At first it showed me sleeping, then Niall waking me up, my shriek and then me sprinting off to wash my face. I shook my head, thinking about the fact that people from my School probably saw it and are laughing their asses off.

Still The One
FanfictionUPDATE- CARROTY FANFIC AHEAD SO DONT READ THANK YOU!!! Will it all work out? keep reading, aye. keep smiling as well =)