I was crying by the time the song ended. ‘It was beautiful!’ I managed to say. He smiled. ‘Thanks.’ He got up and sat next to me. He held my hand and kissed me lightly. I could feel my senses tingling. ‘So, shall we have a walk around now?’I asked when we parted. ‘Umm, okay.’ He said.
Just as we were standing up, we could hear the sounds of two boys scuffling. We saw that it was Zayn and Harry. ‘Knew it!’ Niall and I both shouted together. ‘Ahhh!.....oh, hi guys!’ Harry said acting innocent when he saw us. ‘Do the others know?’ I asked Zayn. ‘Uh, umm…’ Zayn started. ‘Oh great. Why didn’t you bring them? Zayn, I thought you knew that Elise has a crush on you! Go and bring them here!’ I commanded.
Fifteen minutes later, Zayn came holding Elise’s hand. They both looked pretty red to me. Niall noticed it too. We exchanged glances. ‘So,’ Niall said. ‘Hi again,’ Elise said. We looked at each other. She gave a look that said that they are together now, but they haven’t kissed yet. I nodded at her giving a look that said I understood her. ‘Now let’s eat!’ Niall said. ‘Let’s have some ice-cream!!’ I suddenly realized that Louis wasn’t there. ‘Hey, where’s Louis?’ I asked Liam, who was driving the car. ‘He didn’t wanna come. I dunno why though.’ He said. What’s with Louis?
lou, what happened???

Still The One
FanficUPDATE- CARROTY FANFIC AHEAD SO DONT READ THANK YOU!!! Will it all work out? keep reading, aye. keep smiling as well =)