Hannah spent a long time getting ready that day. She had brought her luggage to our house. Right now she was confused over her hair.
‘Should I keep it open or tie a knot?’ she asked me.
‘C’mon Hannah you’re not going to the Oscars now are you? Just keep it open then.’ I sighed. ‘Even me and Niall haven’t gone in a formal date yet,’ ‘Same with me and Zayn,’ Elise sighed with me.
‘Hey, I’ve got an idea!’ I suddenly said. ‘Why don’t we join you and Harry?’ Elise agreed. ‘Yeah, that’ll be awesome!’ Samantha seemed to think about it. After some time she said, ‘I wanted some privacy but… alright you guys can come.’ ‘YAY!’ We jumped. ‘Let’s go and tell them.’
We ran to their room. Indeed, at the very same time, Niall and Zayn were running into our room. We almost collided. ‘Hey,’ Zayn and Elise said at the same time. ‘I was thinking…’ I started, ‘…if you two could….’ Elise added, ‘….join you…’ Niall said, ‘….for the night?’ Zayn finished.
There was a moment’s silence.
‘YES!’ we four shouted together. We ran into my room. ‘They said yes!’ I exclaimed to Elise. ‘They were thinking practically the same thing!’ Elise said. ‘Wow,’ Hannah remarked.
‘Now,’ I started. ‘What shall we wear?’
After hours of thinking, we came up with our outfits.
I was going to have a side bow. I will be wearing an emerald green sequined dress with a white belt in the middle. In addition, green stilettos.
Elise will be wearing a magnificent peacock blue dress. It was sleeveless and had a big cut at the back. Her hair would be tied in a high ponytail. She’ll be wearing white stilettos.
Hannah was the most gorgeous of all. She’ll be wearing an orange prom dress. She had orange high heels, which just made her look prettier
We started to get ready at about 6 pm. The date is supposed to start at 7.30 pm. We were already ready by 7 pm. So we decided to go and wait for them to come at the restaurant.

Still The One
FanfictionUPDATE- CARROTY FANFIC AHEAD SO DONT READ THANK YOU!!! Will it all work out? keep reading, aye. keep smiling as well =)