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(Hey guys! quick authors note, instead of using the word 'you' to say everything that you did, I'm going to change it so its more like a first person kinda thing. So instead of 'you' it's going to be 'I'! okay love you all💓)

"What was that about?" You asked Hermione as she pulled you to the other end of the table. "It was nothing Harry's just being rude. Ever since you started dating Draco, Harry hasn't been himself." She sighed while sitting down. "That's odd, he used to be my best friend here until I started dating Draco.." I said while trying to put the puzzle together. I finally got it! Harry liked me! I don't understand how I couldn't see this before.. he was caring, protective and he made sure I smiled everyday. And I literally shattered his heart (A/N: nicest person of the year, am I right?).

"Hermione I have to go-" I said while quickly getting up and grabbing my sweater. I turned to the door then ran into a tall blonde boy. "Hey cutie, why do you seem frazzled?" Draco said while smiling down at me and wrapping an arm around me. "It's nothing, I just wanted to find you." I said with a small smile. I lied. I really wanted to find Harry and apologize. Draco smiled and we started towards The Three Broomsticks. "So what did you have to do?" I asked Draco while leaning my head against his shoulder. "Oh it was nothing really, you see..." Draco started to explain, but his words seemed to fade out. I looked around and I saw Harry and Ron go into The Three Broomsticks.

I saw Harry turn his head and his eyes met mine. Even though we were at a distance, I could see that he was hurt. "Y/N... Darling look at me.." Draco said and I snapped back into reality. He had his hands grasping my arms and he had a worried expression, with the snow getting caught in his blonde hair. "Are you sure you're alright?? You're scaring me sunshine.." He said quietly. "I'm sorry, I promise I'm fine." I said reassuringly. "We don't have to do this today, we can come back tomorrow-" "No! I'm fine; I've just been tired because of all the work I've had in classes." I actually told the truth there. I was only great in subjects if I was interested in them. But when you have to learn about the history of magic for two weeks straight, you start to daydream. "Alright, when we get finished here, I promise I'll take you back and I'll help you with every single paper you have." Draco said smiling and kissing your nose while walking into The Three Broomsticks.
//Time Skip//

"We'll have two butterbeers please." I asked the waiter nicely. He quickly scribbled it down and walked off to the counter. It wasn't really busy inside. There were just students that wanted to socialize with their friends, or they had spare time. "So how were your classes?" Draco asked while reaching for my hand. I blushed at his little gesture. "They were alright, I don't think I'll survive another class with Snape." I said and he chuckled.

After we finished our butterbeers I decided to go to the bathroom real quick. "Hurry back, we got work to do." Draco said to me with a wink. I walked in, smoothed down my hair and fixed my robes because of the wind. Once I opened the door I didn't see Draco, but I accidentally slammed into a brown haired boy, and ended up on the floor.


(Okay should I do a face reveal too? let me know you cute little wizards💓)

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