Western Love 9

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   chapter 9

"So your back... Well let's end this while we can, right Sonic..."

Sonic gulped, when Scourge said that, it sent chills down his spine...He didn't even blink, when scourge grabbed Sonic off his horse. "Your mine now Sonic. So get used to it, and when we get your going to 'love' what I have in store for you tonight..." Scourge lustfully said. Sonic stared into Scourge's eyes with fear, thinking what he had in store for him. "No! Your not going take him anywhere. He belongs to me... Do ANYTHING to him, and I will shot you right where you stand!" Shadow yelled in anger, thinking about what he would do to his beloved mate.

"Shadow don't! Yo-" Sonic tried to say, but Scourge covered his mouth. Some of Scourge's gang Showed up. "Here take him.." He said handing Sonic to red hedgehog on his left. The red hedgehog gagged Sonic that way he wouldn't make much noise.

"Listen Shadow... you, and I both know that we want Sonic...for different reasons, so I'm going to make you a deal." Scourge said, circling the black hedgehog. "And what might that be?" Shadow growled at Scourge, not liking the idea of a 'deal' that Scourge wanted to do. "You join me, and be come one of us, that way you, and I can both have Sonic... Both me, and you will have our 'fun' with that one over there..." Scourge said, pointing to Sonic. Sonic's eyes widened in shock. He hoped that Shadow wouldn't agree to the deal.

"Deal..." Scourge said, holding out his hand.


Scourge smirked in victory. Sonic had tears in his eyes... he couldn't look at Shadow anymore, he felt betrayed by the one he loved... 'How could he do this.... *sob* I thought he loved me for me... not just for my looks, and body...' Sonic thought, while sobbing out loud.

"It's good to have you on my side Shadow... you, and me will make a great team... taking virgins, and taking them for own pleasure." Scourge said, putting his right arm over Shadow's left shoulder. "But Sonic must give birth to children first... that is his top priority. "Blade take him to my bunker." Scourge said, pointing to the red hedgehog that was holding Sonic. As Blade put Sonic on his horse, Scourge told Shadow to get prepared for what was going to happen later that night. Scourge was heading to his horse, but before he could mount up Scourge was pulled off by Shadow! When Shadow pulled Scourge off his horse, Shadow gave him a hard punch to the left eye."Shadow! What the Hell! What are you doing?!" He yelled in anger, and pain, while holding his left eye in his left hand. Scourge was leaning forward cause of the shear pain that was traveling from his eye to his whole head. Scourge groaned in pain...he clenched his his hard, he slowly stood up still holding his eye. "You won't take Sonic, and use him for your own pleasure... including me...No one will ever harm him, force him, or trick him into doin' what they 'want'." Shadow growled at Scourge. Blade was about take out his gun, but Scourge held up his right hand to make him stand down.

Sonic was amazed at what Shadow just did he couldn't believe it! He just had doughts about Shadow betraying him. But he only pretended to make the deal with Scourge so that he could save him. Sonic started to shed tears because of Shadow... because of what Shadow's doing for him, for their love....

"I'll admit Shadow... your ah strong hedgehog... but your not strong enough to TAKE SONIC AWAY FROM ME !" Scourge yelled in anger. He started to pull out his iron pistol from his dusty riding pants, and quickly reloaded the gun. Shadow did the same with his gun, he quickly reloaded as well.

Both guns pointed at each other, waiting for the other to make a move. Neither of them moved. Shadow, and Scourge where both glaring at each other. Blade and Sonic gave each other a looked like " what just happened" kind of look. "What's it goin' to be Shadow... Sonic or death... It's your choice..." Scourge evilly said, Smirking knowing that Shadow would make the wrong choice. "I'd rather die than see Sonic being taken by you Scourge... You'll never have him!"Shadow yelled, not liking the idea of Scourge giving him a choice... "That can be arranged...I mean if I kill you then Sonic WILL be mine....I like that idea, don't you Sonic?" Scourge said, walking Sonic, moments later holding his head in his right hand, smirked at the site of Sonic pure tears of sorrow, love... Sonic's eyes where red and puffy from crying, it was making it difficult to see a little. In Sonic's eyes he saw where Shadow and Scourge stood... but it was fuzzy... Luckly he could hear just fine.

Scourge looked back to Shadow, his hand was on the trigger... Shadow doesn't notice at the moment because he's distracted by his mate.

Then a gun shot was heard....


To Be Continued ....

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