Chapter 1: The Awakening

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Hi guys! I'll be writing in the many different POV's of the characters in this story. The main POV will of course be yours! I'm sure you all know this but just if you don't Y/N means you'd fill in that space for your name to connect the story to yourself. Let the reading begin!

Your POV: 

All you could feel was a cold wetness, rain. You couldn't see anything, it was too dark, you were unconscious. You couldn't remember any of your memories, or if you'd even had a life before know. All that you did know was now, was here, in the cold darkness of your empty mind.

You woke up finally regaining consciousness and a feeling of warmth. You were underneath a thin white comforter on a small twin bed. You slowly sat up to examine where you were. You were still quite damp in an almost threadbare white shirt that reached your knees.  You looked around and saw a small oil lamp on a small table next to you, it  let off an eerie yet homely glow, you also saw window near the ceiling covered by a thin thread bare curtain, it let in  the soothing glow of the moon. You sat up more, even though there really wasn't much else to see, there was still a short dresser with a pitcher of water, a basin and a wash cloth for your face. You were about to get out of the bed to explore this strange place, when the knob to the door of the room turned. You quickly threw the comforter over your head and pretended to be asleep. You heard the soft creak of the door open as you felt the presence of another person come into the room. "Ah so I see you're awake." A soothing yet strong voice said, oddly calming your panicked nerves. As you slowly sat up once more you saw a young man, only three or four years older than you, standing in the doorway with a pitcher similar to the one on your dresser, in his hands. You examined him closer, his hair was a beautiful black and framed his face perfectly, and his eyes were a deep shade of maroon. You'd never thought eyes could be that shade, but his were, and they looked directly at you. "I just came to change the water," he said as he walked over to your dresser and replaced his pitcher for the one on your dresser. "My name is Sebastian Michaelis if you need anything." with that he bowed, and left closing the door behind him. Once he'd left your heart started to pound, you'd never felt this way before, and with a stranger none the less. Overwhelmed a wave of  sleepiness washed over you and you sunk into you bed and drifted to sleep.

The next morning the sun shone eagerly through the thine curtains and onto your eyelids. The warm sun was relaxing and calming. You opened your eyes to see your room lit with beautiful sunlight, and something else, people. One had blonde hair, a cigarette in his mouth and a chef's uniform, the other  had light orange hair clipped back by red pins, a sun hat  on a string around his neck and slightly beat clothes. The last one had dark pink hair in pig tails, round glasses and a blue maids uniform, they looked all about your age, except for the blonde one who seemed slightly older than the rest of his friends, and they all stared at you. Your nerves were thrown into an immediate panic, who were these people, and why were they all staring at you? "She's a right pretty little thing, isn't she," The blonde one said in an attractive deep voice. "Very pretty indeed, yes she is!" The pink haired one added in a goofy, yet happy voice. "Hmm, she is quite beautiful." The orange haired one said in a cute dreamy voice, as he looked deeply into your eyes. "You have to excuse them, they don't have visitors very often" that voice it was familiar to you. "Sebastian!" They all exclaimed in unison, as they stepped aside and let him walk towards me. Your heart started to beat faster as he neared your bed. "Well get on now." he looked back at the trio as they all nodded and left in a hurry. "My apologizes again my lady" you felt yourself blush and looked away. "Now then why don't we get you  dressed, that clothing of your is simply awful." Your eyes shot to your chest were the fabric of your white shirt clung to your body, almost see through from last night's rain, you quickly covered your chest with the comforter. Sebastian let out a small laugh under his breath. You again felt yourself blush an even redder shade than before, but this time it was because of embarrassment. "Well," you looked up and saw him extend his hand towards you. Your heart was still beating at an extremely fast pace, he was so lovely. You took his hand, and he unexpectedly pulled your arm with exquisite strength until you were sitting cradled in his arms. He smiled down at you and your most likely tomato red face and said "Now let's get you into some proper attire, everyone's dying to be properly introduced to you!"

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