Chapter 9: A Fresh Start

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Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update yesterday! I was super busy yesterday! To make up for it I'll try to make a really chapter!! 

You woke up the next day in a beautiful bedroom. It was decorated with a light blue color and lots of paintings. *Knock Knock* "Come in?" Alex stepped into the room and smiled. "Good morning M'lady." he bowed and went to go open the curtains. M'lady, that's something you hadn't gotten accustom to. "Please, just call me by my name." he nodded and grabbed a beautiful dark blue dress that was decorated with purple ribbons. He helped you put it on and then did your hair and make up. It felt weird to have him help you, but you knew you'd have to get used to it eventually. After you got ready he led you into your study where you started on the paper work that was there. Alex left you to get tea as you put your head down on your desk. You'd much rather be at the Phantomhive manor with Sebastian and the others cleaning and helping around the house. You looked up as you heard a soft knock on the door. "Come in!" You sat up to look as presentable as possible. Claire popped her head into your study. "Yes?" "Your fiance, Joseph, is here." My fiance?! I have a fiance?! "Uh, um, let him in?" Claire nodded and opened the door wider. Standing next to her was a tall man, three or four years older than you. He was gorgeous, he had dusty blonde hair and deep green eyes, his smile light up the room and wore a strikingly handsome suit, the coat and pants were dark purple and he wore a black bow tie and button down shirt. "Y/N!! I'm so glad you've returned safely!" he rushed over to you and gave you a big hug, lifting you off your chair. He held your chin in his hand and he looked into your eyes. "I'd forgotten how beautiful you were." He gave you a kiss. It was soft, but you could feel the love he had for you. Claire shut the door and left. "So tell me! Where have you been! What happened?!" You sat back down as he sat on your desk. "Well, uh.."  *Knock Knock* Who could it be now? "M'lady? I have your tea." It was Alex. "Come in!" you called and Alex entered the room. "Ah, Earl Cranston! How nice of you to take time out of your schedule to come see Y/N today!" Alex walked over to you and set you tea in front of you. Joseph hopped of your desk and rested a hand on your desk instead.  "She is my fiance after all, I must make my lady happy!" He turned towards you and winked. "But I am truly sorry, this is all I had time for today. I'll see you later my love!" With that Joseph kissed your hand and left. "Is there anything else you need?" You thought hard, you didn't want to completely cut yourself off from all those lovely people you'd met, a ball, a ball could bring all your friends together! "A ball Alex! I'd like to throw one! Can I?!" He smiled. "Of course!" "Tonight! I want to invite everyone I know,and more! It'll be huge! Decorate the manor in pastel colors and arrange flowers everywhere! It is spring after all! A new beginning! It's just what I need!" You almost shouted you were so excited! "I shall have all of that attended to right away, but what will you wear?" You thought for a moment. "Arrange a carriage for me, I'll go into town and buy one right now!" Alex nodded and led you out to the front of the manor. He wrapped a shawl around your shoulders and helped you into the carriage. Once you were inside and seated the carriage started down the dirt road. Once you arrived Felix, who had driven you, helped you out. "I'll pick you up here in about and hour, Alex needs all hands on deck back at the manor. I assume you can manage on your own?" You nodded and he left. You walked around a little bit until you found a cute boutique. You went inside and stared to look for a dress. The bell on the door rang signifying another costumer had entered, but you didn't pay much mind to it. "Claude! Claude! I want that one for Y/N! Once I propose she'll be dressed in only the finest dresses! And that one would look great on her!" you froze, you knew that voice, it was Alois. Did he know you were here? The bell range again. You dashed behind a row of dresses as Alois walked in your direction. "Sebastian, what is he doing here?" Ciel?! Why were they all here?!? "What are you doing her Phantomhive?" Alois asked obviously uninterested. "I could ask you the same thing Trancy." Ciel shot back. Oh shoot! I better go before they find out I'm here!  You thought to yourself. "Well if you must know I'm getting Y/N an engagement dress for when I  ask her to marry me." Alois said smugly. "Like that'd happen, because that's why I'm  here!" Ciel scoffed. Oh shoot, wait doesn't Ciel already have a fiance?! No matter that. I need to get out of here!  You thought as you tried to shimmy your way to the door behind the dresses. "What's that?!" you froze, you'd been spotted. Shoot.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this update! Again I'm sorry for not uploading yesterday!! I promise it won't happen again!! Love you all! Later gators!!

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