Chapter 11: Complications

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You sat in the library with your head in your hands. What am I gonna do?  You heard someone enter but ignored them, until they sat next to you. You looked up and saw Joseph sit down next to you. His arm wrapped around your shoulders and he held you close. "I'm sorry, it was wrong of me to be mean to your friends, it's just that I've always loved you, and since you've been gone I've missed you more than ever." he actually started to cry. You buried your head into his chest. "I love you." you whispered into his shirt. You felt him hold you tighter. "I love you too." he whispered into your hair.


That night you had Alex run a bath for you before bed. You sat in your room slowly taking off your shoes and taking down your hair. *Knock Knock* "Miss, your bath is ready." "Okay, I'll be right there." You got up and trudged sleepily to the bathroom where Alex bathed you. You almost fell asleep in the bath, thankfully Alex dressed you in your night gown and laid you in your bed. "Alex?" you said just as he was about to leave. "Yes?" "Where is Joseph staying tonight?" "In the guest room down the hall" you smiled and asked "Can you bring him in here" Alex nodded and left. You laid back down. "Y/N? Are you okay?" You heard Joseph enter your room. "I don't want to sleep alone, will you stay with me?" Even though it was dark you could see his bright smile. "Of course." he walked over to your bed and crawled in next to you. You felt his arm wrap around your waist as he held you close as he kissed the top of your head. You fell asleep almost instantly wrapped in Joseph's warm embrace. 

Ciel's POV

I couldn't believe Y/N had a fiance! And had her memories erased none the less! I was mad, not at her, but at myself for being so stupid. I'm an engaged man, I should know better than to mess with things that I can't control. But once Y/N introduced me to him at the ball I lost all control, I left and I didn't plan on going back.

Alois' POV

I was so angry at Y/N!!! How could she!! Once I got home I ran up to my room and wept on the floor in anger and in sadness. Another person I loved had left me, I couldn't stand it anymore, and what's worse is it isn't her fault, it was his. I have a plan, and this time I've made absolute sure it's going to work!!

Your POV

You woke up the next morning still withing Josephs warm embrace. You turned so you faced him and look at him. He looked so innocent, so peaceful. This made you blush as you kissed his nose. His eyes fluttered open. "Morning Joseph." you smiled and he yawned. "Good morning my love, did you sleep well?" You nodded and wrapped your arms around him pulling him close again. "I have a very important meeting today that I must attend for my company." he said into your hair. "Aw, okay." He pulled out of the hug and held your chin in his hands. "You can manage yourself can't you?" you nodded and smiled. He bent forward and kissed you, you happily returned the kiss. It was a short sweet kiss, but after that he got ready and left. You laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I wonder how Alois and Ciel feel about me having a fiance. You said to yourself. You quickly shrugged the thought off and called for Alex to help you dress and get ready for the day.

Sorry I'm making these chapters so short!! I just am very busy right now, but expect longer chapters on the weekends when I have more time! I love all of you!!! Thanks for 70 views!!!! Later gators!!

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