Chapter 12: Making Amends

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You laid in bed for a while until Alex came in to dress you for the day. You trudged to your study to start with the days work. About 30 mins into your work you heard a knock on your door. "Yes, come in." The door opened and Alois walked in. "Uh, uh Alois, n-nice to see you?" he just smirked and walked over to you. "You have such a nice manor, why haven't you invited me over?" he sat on your desk and leaned into you. "Who let you in?" you asked. "I let myself in, why is there a problem?" he teased as he leaned closer. You stood up, you loved Ciel, and Alois, but you couldn't choose, but you didn't have to, you had Joseph. "I'm sorry Alois, I-I can't I'm engaged, I love you, but I have to let you go." (a cheesy line I know) You started to tear up as you grabbed his collar and kissed him one last time, it was passionate, and you didn't want to break away, you didn't have to, he pulled away first. "I love you Y/N please don't leave me alone" he started to tear up, he looked like a child, you heart broke for him. "I can visit Alois, but for now, I-I think it's best if you just left. Please." you hated to shove him away, but you couldn't bear to see him sad anymore. "Y-Y/N, I don't want to be alone." you let your head hang. "I'm so sorry Alois." you ran out of your study leaving him behind, tears flew from your eyes as you ran. Why, why did I run?  You knew the answer, you didn't want to hurt him even more. You didn't want to hurt anyone anymore.

Okay so here's the plan, I'm gonna write all of the possible endings andddddddd yea, please tell me which ending you'd like to hear first, and what fan fiction I should write next, I NEED IDEAS!!! Love you all! Please though comments do help, so don't be shy! I won't judge!!! Love you all!! Later gators!!

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