Chapter 8: Old Friends, New Beginnings

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Hey guys! Just wanted to check in!! I'm impressed with how many viewers I've gotten, thank you all so so much! Ok I'll let you read now...

Your POV

Alex scooped you up into his arms and ran off into the afternoon with you. He traveled at an incredible speed, in only a matter of minutes you arrived at a surprisingly large and elegant mansion, your manor. "Here we are." Alex said as he let you down. "Please allow me to re-introduce you to everyone, and to show you around the manor." he took your hand and led you inside. The manor was decorated with light blues, purples and greens. It felt like spring, and the decor made you smile. "Ah, Claire, her ladyship has returned." a girl maybe the same age as you stopped what she was doing and turned around. She had long wavy blonde hair, a single flower tucked behind her ear, hazel eyes and a dusting of freckles across her cheeks. She wore a white dress that went to her knees and had a single turquoise strip across the bottom of the dress, it was quarter sleeved and cuffed with lace. "Pleased to see your back safe and sound you ladyship." She bowed, her voice was soft and very lovely, like a bird's song. "Nice to meet you again Claire." you smiled and she went back to her chores. "Moving on," Alex led you into a library where you found a boy about one year older than you. "Felix, please come, her ladyship has returned." The boy turned around and walked towards you. He had beautiful deep ocean ocean blue eyes, dark brown hair that was on the longer side, shaggy and cute, and it framed his face perfectly. He wore a tail coat like Alex's but his was white and had a turquoise handkerchief. "You look lovely as always my lady." he took your hand and placed a small kiss on your hand. His voice was like butter, deep and smooth. You smiled, he was so kind! "Why thank you!" Alex bowed to him and he did the same, then went back to work. Alex gave you the full tour of the house, the gardens were your favorite. "And our last stop is the kitchen." Alex said as he led you into the kitchen. There you saw a girl about four or five years older than you. She had dirty blonde hair that was very long and reached her waist. Her bangs were braided back and clipped with a small flower attached to a hair pin. She had lovely lilly pad green eyes and perfect pink lips. She was wearing the same thing as Claire. "M'lady! I'm so grateful you've returned home safely!!" she wiped her hands on a towel as she left the dishes in the sink. She walked over and gave you a big hug, you hugged her back, it felt so good to be home, you could feel it. This is my home.

Sorry for the short chapter! Please tell me if you'd like me to continue this story . I've got an overflow of ideas on how to develop the story, but if you guys don't want me to continue that's also fine!! I'd also like some new topics for fan fictions! Tell me what you'd like to read about and I'll write it!! I love you all my lovely viewers! Later gators!!

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