Chapter 3: Home

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Hey guys! I decided to do two parts in one night! How exciting! I hope you enjoy!!

Your POV

You woke up in an unfamiliar room. Your head hurt as you tried to sit up. "Look at how cute she is" "She's very pretty." "I like the way her hair smells." You were startled and jerked up into a sitting position as you saw three young men standing in front of you, all of them had the same face, red eyes, and purplish hair. They all had different voices, they were all equally deep and emotionless though. One however was bent of inspecting your face closely. "Er..." was all you could manage. "That'll be enough, scram you freaks." you looked to the doorway to see Alois standing there. He looked devilishly handsome as usual but you didn't like the whole 'taken hostage' act. The three men left the room. Alois made a beeline for me. "How are you today my lovely flower?" he said as he smiled close eyed and stuck his tounge out. He sat down on the bed. " Hate to be so hostile my love but in this world it's take or be taken sweet heart." he scootched closer to you. Just as he was about to lean in for a kiss a black figure crashed in through the window. It was Sebastian. Finally! You thought " I believe you have taken something that doesn't belong to you sir Trancy." "Oh yeah, well just try and take her back, besides what is she to you?" Alois sat so close to you he was pretty much on your lap. "She's a fellow servant for my lord Ciel Phantomhive, and he is terribly worried about her." Alois looked back at you. "A servant ah? Why don't you stay here with me, forget about serving that tard of a boy!" You froze, why was this happening!? All you wanted was to be back at the manor, but your heart wanted Alois, despite his sometime unsettling behavior. "I don't think she'll be moving anytime soon." Sebastian quickly lifted you from underneath Alois and jumped back out the window with you in his arms. "CLAUDE!!!!" you heard Alois scream for his butler as you were whisked away by Sebastian.

Sebastian's POV 

I knew that Claude would try sooner or later to take what wasn't his, and that master of his, rude and bratty, trying to steal a heart that's already been taken? I wouldn't allow it to go on any more, I rushed to the Trancy Manor to save my sweet little kitten.

Ceil's POV

I sat at my desk and waited for Sebastian to come back with Y/N. She may only been my servant but seeing her last night in that beautiful gown made me feel something with her, something I certainly didn't have with Elizabeth. "My lord, Y/N has arrived safely home. She is resting in her quarters." I sighed with relief that she was okay. "Sebastian make damn sure that that Trancy creep and his shifty butler stay away from Y/N!" "As you wish."

Your POV

You sat in bed staring at the wall in front of you. Bored, you were very bored. Ciel gave you a break due considering what you had gone through, but you felt fine and rested, so you got out of bed and decided to help out. You walked to the kitchen only to be stopped by Sebastian. "You should be resting Y/N" You looked up at his face, his beautifully perfect face.  "I know I just thought I'd help out since I was feeling better, that's all." Sebastian tsk'ed and scooped you up like a baby. "Sebastian put me down, now!" He refused to acknowledge you and brought you straight back to your room where he plopped you down on your bed. "Sebastian I said I was fine." He turned away from you, walked to ht door, shut it and locked it. "Sebastian? Sebastian answer me!" He turned to look at you, his eyes flashed a bright pink shade. "You must rest up now N/A, you won't be leaving until you are fully rested and well." "Yes but how are you supposed to leave Sebastian?" He smirked at you. "I don't need  to leave."

Sebastian's POV

I felt awful that I hadn't saved Y/N in time, but now she wants to help out? She truly was quite fascinating. I wanted her more than ever, I wanted her to be mine. I ignored what she said and scooped her up into my arms and brought her back to her room where  I sat her on the bed. She kept telling me things but I still ignored her. I shut the door and locked it. "Sebastian?" she said in a confused voice. "Then how are you supposed to leave?" She asked. I smiled at her, "I don't need to." I walked to wards her and as gently as I could manage pushed her shoulders to the bed. "What are you doing?" she asked. "I'm helping you relax." I whispered in her ear. I could feel her shiver. I wasted no time, I looked into her beautiful eyes and dove down for a kiss. After a few moments she eased up and granted me access to her mouth. I explored her wet mouth with my tounge and dipped slowly up and down with each kiss. She gasped. I sat up. She looked at me with her innocent eyes. "Sebastian," she said "Yes?" "Do you love me"

Hey guys! sorry for the short chapter! I'll upload again tomorrow hopefully! I hope you guys enjoyed this part! Later gators!

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