Chapter 16: Sebastian

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Hey guys! upon request someone asked for an ending with Sebastian, so here it is! Enjoy!!

I couldn't bear being in my manor any longer. I missed the simpler times, I miss the Phantomhive manor and all of the lovely people I worked with. Wiping the tears from my eye sI ran to my stables and mounted a horse before racing off to the manor. By the time I got there it had started to rain. I practically leapt off my horse and ran to the door, pounding on it. Sebastian answered practically the second I knocked. Without thinking I hurled myself into his arms and cried. "I don't want to have the responsibility of a manor, I want to work at one. Sebastian I miss Finny, Bard and Mey-Rin!" I wept as I looked up at him. "Sebastian I miss you! And it was wrong of me to push you away durning the time we were together.  You were just trying to help and I-" I was cut off by Sebastian kissing me?! He pulled away and smiled as he moved a pice of hair out of my eyes. I held my hand over my mouth and cried more. "I guess I never realized how much I wanted to do that until it happened." I laughed a little and a small smile appeared on Sebastian's face. "Your welcome to work here if you'd like. I'm sure we can figure something out with that demon of yours." He smiled bigger and I couldn't help but kiss him again.

~Four Months Later~

When I first started working for Ciel he shunned me, and I did have to break off my engagement with Joseph, but eventually everything worked itself out. Sebastian finally proposed to me today and I swear I'm the happiest girl on this planet. Though Ciel opposed it I agreed anyway. Sebastian and I got married a few weeks later in the gardens of the Phantomhive manor. The only attendees were the crew of the Phantomhive manor, Ciel, Lizzy, and Alex, to officiate the wedding. Though Alex too opposed the idea of me marring a demon I reminded him that my life was mine, but my soul was his at the end of this wonderful life of mine. As the years passed Sebastian and I had three kids, soon to be four. Our eldest is Evan, he is tall and has my eyes, but defiantly inherited Sebastian's good looks and hair. Our middle child is Julia, she is kind and a little shy, she had long black hair like Sebastian, but my face. And out youngest is Morgan. She has my hair and my bright personality but she has Sebastian's eyes and pale skin. Sebastian and I are as happy as can be and still help around the manor. Ciel got married a week after we did and now too has a child of his own. Our kids often play together, despite my kids being 'workers' of the manor. I don't see myself ever leaving the manor, I'm too happy here, Elizabeth and I have tea every Sunday and I'm content with my line of work. I found my place and I have no intention of doing anything to change it.

Hey! So I hoped you guys liked this part! If you guys want another ending, feel free to tell me! Later gators!!

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