Chapter 10: Difficulties

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You'd been caught. You froze, trying to make it less obvious you were there. Something pulled the dresses in front you to the side, it was Claude. "Y/N?!?" Ciel and Alois both yelled. "Uh, I can explain.." "Where have you been!!! I was scared to death!" Alois said as he walked up to you and took your hands. "Wait," He dropped you hands. "How long have you been hiding there." "Long enough.. " Alois smirked. "But wait, why are you dressed like that?" Ciel said stepping forward and motioning to your fancy dress. "And where have you been! Finny and the others have been worried sick!" you looked down to the floor. "Well, you see. I'm actually the head of a manor, and I had all my memories erased." "WHAT?!" both Ciel and Alois yelled. "I never meant for this to happen, I'm so sorry!" you started to cry a little. "But I am throwing a ball tonight, and you are both welcome to come." you sniffled and rubbed you eyes.  "I'm sure I can fit that into my schedule.." Ciel said looking at Sebastian. "Indeed." he responded. "I can definitely make it!" Claude nodded at Alois, he took you hand and placed a small kiss on it. "I look forward to seeing you there." He smirked and you and walked out of the store. "I shall see you tonight." Ciel bowed and left as well. You took a deep breath out. Thank god that's over. You continued shopping until you found the perfect dress. It was a clean black ball gown. It had a strapless top and an golden om-bred skirt. You bought it and went to the place where Felix had dropped you off. You waited until he arrived, he helped you into carriage when he arrived. 

You arrived home and went to your room to get ready for the ball. *Knock Knock* "Come in" Alex walked in. "Your getting ready by yourself?" you nodded. "I can manage by myself!" he nodded and left. Once you finished getting ready you walked over to your window and saw all your guests arriving. Well, I guess I better go downstairs and mingle. You ran downstairs super excited. Your first ball, well first time you were hosting a ball!! You rushed downstairs super excited to see all the people. Although it was rather overwhelming you still mingled when ever you got the chance. "Ah Y/N! My beautiful flower! You look lovely tonight my dear!" you turned around to see Joseph. "Why thank you! You look quite handsome yourself!" you said with a giggle as you blushed. "May I have this dance?" he said as he bowed, but looked up and smirked. "But of course!" you took his hand and his whisked you onto the dance floor. His grip was firm and protecting, you felt safe, as if nothing could hurt you. "Ahem," You and Joseph stopped dancing at turned around to see Alois. "Oh hello Alois!" you said. "Hello Y/N! Who's this?" Alois said rudely. "She's my fiance, why what's she to you?"  you looked at Joseph in shock as he stepped in front of you protectively. "When did you get a fiance Y/N?!" you looked down, you didn't exactly know how to answer that question. "Well, uh, I.." Joseph wrapped his arm around your waist and held you close. "I suggest you stay away from Y/N." "Joseph!" you said almost yelling. "Ha, you think you can keep me from my love? Think again. But I promise this won't be the last time you see me."and with that Alois stormed off into the crowd. "Hmph, who was he anyway?" Joseph said as he looked down at you. "He's, well, he's a close friend of mine." Joseph shrugged it off and started to lead you in the next dance. "Hey Joseph, I think I  need some air." he stopped dancing. "Are you okay? Do you want me to go with you?" you shook your head no. "I can manage myself." he nodded and you left him standing in the crowd. You found your way to the balcony. Once you were outside you leaned your elbows on the railing and let out a sigh. "Something the matter?" you turned around to see Ciel. "I saw you dancing with someone, you two look close, who is he?"  Great, you thought, now I have to tell Ciel I have a fiance. "Well, you see, he's my fiance." you scrunched up your face to brace yourself for his reaction. Nothing. "Ciel?" you looked at him. He... smiled? "I'm very happy for you two, congratulations." you could hear the pain in his voice, he walked back inside. "Ciel wait!" you rushed after him, but you couldn't find him anywhere. You ran into the library where you could be alone. What have I done? I've just lost two of my best friends because of my fiance? This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this part! Sorry if it's kinda short! But I hope you enjoyed it regardless! Later gators!!

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