Chapter 13: Joseph

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You ran as fast as you could, until you ran into something. "Ouch..." you said as you fell to the ground. "Oh my gosh! Y/N! My sincerest apologies, why were you running my love?" you looked up to see Joseph standing there looking down at you. "Oh, I was just.." you turned around to see if Alois had followed you, he hadn't. Joseph helped you up and you then walked into the library with him. The walk there was quiet. "Y/N, I think it's about time we start thinking about the future, our future." You looked at Joseph you had taken both of your hands and gripped them softly. You loved him so much, even if you hadn't known him for a while. You nodded ans smiled as he leaned in and kissed you. "How does tomorrow sound?" he said just barely breaking the kiss, you sat back looking confused. "Tomorrow for what?" "Our wedding of course!" Now?! you thought. It was a little soon, but if you were married you couldn't get pestered by other men. You thought it over. "Tomorrow sounds perfect!" you exclaimed as you kissed him again. After your kiss he held you tightly in his arms. You made the right choice you could feel it. Later that evening you and Joseph sat in you office and planned you wedding. It would be small, but classy. It would be in the garden of your manor, and your dress would be long and white and decorated with lace and wild flowers of all sorts. It was late into the evening and you fell asleep at your desk. 

~The wedding day~

You woke up at your desk. Joseph was asleep next to you. Today was your wedding day, you started to get butterflies. "Joseph, Joooseph..." you whispered as you gently shook Joseph to wake him. "Hmm, huh...." he said as he groggily sat up. Once he opened his eyes fully he looked at you and smiled. "You must get ready my love, I shall see you tonight." he pecked you on the cheek as he ushered you out of the room to go get ready. The entire day you were nervous with excitement. Alex and Claire helped you get ready, Claire put your dress and shoes on while Alex did your hair in a curly braided low bun and your makeup. The entire preparation took all day. Once it was time for the wedding you, Alex and Claire walked to the gardens. You stood at the doorway waiting for the music to start. When it did you looped your arm through Alex's, took a deep breath and started waking. You couldn't help but smile as you walked to the sound of the music down the aisle. Joseph's smile was equally, if not bigger than yours. The priest began the ceremony. "And now you may kiss the bride." you looked into Joseph's beautiful dark green eyes and kissed him. Everyone stood up and clapped as you and Joseph continued to kiss. It was the happiest moment in your life. From then on you knew your place in the world.


  Later on in life you and Joseph had three beautiful children. The eldest was Kate, she had long dark brown hair that reached her elbows, freckles and had inherited your eye color. The middle child was Evan, he had your hair color and your eyes, but he had Joseph's great smile and strong build. And your youngest was Louise, she had short brown hair and green eyes, freckles like her sisters and your lovely physique. You never moved, but lived happy lives. You enjoyed being a mom and never regretted your decision. You often though about Alois and Ciel and the others, but never saw them after the wedding. You missed them all dearly. Aside from that your life was looking up from there and you were always happy, you were always loved, and you were never alone. 

Hey guys sorry about not writing yesterday!!! I wanted to think these next few chapters over!! But I hope you enjoyed your ending with Joseph!! I'll write and publish the next ending tomorrow!! Later gators!!

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