Chapter 6: Running

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Hey guys! I didn't get any comments on my last part so I'm gonna ask again to see if you guys would want me to make another anime fan fiction, or a youtuber fan fiction! Anyway thanks for all the reads, it really does mean a lot to me! Let the reading begin!!!

Your POV

That night you rode to the Trancy Manor with Alois. Once you arrived he carried you into a bed room and you drifted off to sleep. The next morning you woke up to the feeling of an arm wrapped around you. It belonged to Alois. You turned inward to see him sleeping, his face was peaceful and calm. You couldn't help but blush. Suddenly his face scrunched up and he pulled you into his chest, still asleep. He must be having a bad dream!  You closed your eyes once more as you fell asleep to the soft rising and sinking of Alois' chest.

Alois' POV

"Y/N, Y/N no don't! Please!" I wept on the floor. "P-Please, Y/N, I truly love you, I don't want to be mean, p-please don't leave me." Y/N looked at me with hate in her eyes. "You should've thought of that before you took me from my home, from the one I love, Ciel."

I woke up gasping for air and sweating, Y/N was sleeping next to me. It was just a dream, just a dream. I layed next to Y/N and kissed her forehead. "Good morning my love." I whispered softly into her ear. Her face stirred and then she opened her beautiful eyes. "Morning...." her voice was quite, just a whisper. It was so cute!! I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "I have work I need to do, please enjoy yourself for the day." With that I got up, had Claude dress me and went to work in my study.

Claude's POV

I dressed Alois, but I was really just watching Y/N sleep. Her face was perfect, but so was her soul. It was special, and I wanted it. I couldn't wait, today her soul would be mine.

Your POV

You slowly got out of bed once Alois left. You weren't fully recovered so you still wobbled a bit when you walked. "Is she drunk?" "She looks drunk." "Yeah, totally wasted."  You were startled to see the three triplets from a few days ago standing right in front of you. "H-hello." you managed to say still shocked due to the fact that they came from literally nowhere. "Now that I get a closer look she is quite pretty." "Agreed." "Dido" What? You were getting actually quite fed up with all of the compliments, no matter how much they made you blush. "Her soul is mine, now SCAT!" The trio turned around and so did you. In the doorway was Claude, he gave you the creeps. But what he said confused you. Her soul is mine, now SCAT! Your soul? The three left mumbling to themselves. "Now, I was given my orders to entertain you while my master is working, is there anything you'd like to do?" To be honest you just wanted to go home, back to the Phantomhive Manor. But you couldn't bear leaving Alois. "I'd like to go for a walk in the garden." You wobbled past Clade, but your foot fell asleep at the perfect time causing you to fall right into Claude's arms. You blushed out of embarrassment. You looked up to him and saw him smirking. This made you mad. "I'm perfectly fine, now let me go!" you pushed yourself out of his arms and walked as quickly as you could to the gardens, hearing a small laugh from Claude as you passed him.

Once you reached you destination you sat down on a bench to catch your breath. Claude was right behind you the entire time. Darn it!  You just couldn't shake this guy!!! You felt him pass behind you, his hands slowly wrapped around your waist. You felt tingly all over. "You know, Alois is quite insane, I don't see why you'd want to keep hanging out with him. Instead you should just stay here, with me." Claude whispered this in your ear as his arms snaked further around your waist. You tried to stand up but instead he picked you up and ran into the forest. You tried to break free, but you were still weak. Once Claude stopped he  tied you up in a web. A web?! Where did he get spider webs? Anyway they freaked the crap out of you, you'd always had a fear of spiders. "If you haven't noticed, I'm a demon, a spider demon, and I'm quite interested in your soul." You shivered with fear. He crawled onto the web, like a spider to his prey. "And I intend to suck your soul right from you, here and now."

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter! I got one comment!! So I'm gonna start a new fan fiction!! It's gonna be a reader x Jacksepticeye!! I hope you guys enjoyed this part, and you guys should check out my new fan fiction once I publish the first part!! Later gators!

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