Chapter 4: Complications

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Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoy this next part as things seem to become more complicated! Enjoy!!!

Your POV

Sebastian was on top of of looking straight into your eyes. Your heart was pounding. "I do, and I always will." he bent forward and began kissing you again, and then it hit you. You realized that you didn't want things to get so complicated, you didn't want all of this attention. You turned your heard away from Sebastian mid-kiss and he fell forward. "Y/N?" he asked, you started to cry and he stood up, you just wanted to be normal, you just wanted to be normal, you kept thinking to yourself. "Please Sebastian, I-I think you should just leave." you said through crying gasps. "As you wish." he bowed as he looked back at you, his eyes were filled genuinely with sadness. He unlocked the door and opened it only to see Ciel standing right outside his hand in the air preparing to knock. 

Ciel's POV

I decided to go check on Y/N to see how she was doing. I went downstairs. I was about to knock on Y/N's door when it flung open and Sebastian was standing on the other side. I looked past him to see Y/N crying. "Sebastian what did you do?!" I yelled at him. "Nothing my lord." he responded, his expression remained blank. "Sebastian a word please." I grabbed his arm and dragged him out into the hallway. "Sebastian tell me everything, now." I demanded. He sighed before answering. "I kissed Y/N, and then she began to cry." HE DID WHAT?!? I was so mad at him! "Sebastian, this is and order, you are to stay away from Y/N, do you hear me?!" My fists were clenched and quivering with anger. "As you wish my lord," he bowed and left. I peeked into Y/N's room to see if she had heard any of that. She was sitting upright, asleep. Her head was tiled and her face was stained with tears. I walked into her room and layed her down gently, bringing the blanket up to her chin. I bent over and placed a small kiss on her forehead. WHAT?! Your engaged Ciel, get it together, she's your maid!! I quickly walked out of her room and looked back at her just before I left. I sighed and shut the door behind me as I walked back to my room to retire for the night.

Your POV

You could hear the faint voices of Ciel and Sebastian in the hallway. You wanted to hear what they were saying but you drifted off to sleep. The next morning you woke up to a loud bang coming from the hallway. You shot up startled by the loud noise. You quickly ran to the door and opened it to see what was going on. As you stepped out into the hallway Finny immediately ran into you taking you down with him. Another bang went off as debris flew over your heads. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I hope I didn't hurt you!" Finny said sitting up. "No I'm fine, what's going on?" you asked frantically. He scratched the back of his neck as he explained. "Well Baldroy, being the idiot he is, decided he would use dynamite to make breakfast today." You sat up dusting yourself off. "Oh I see." you said slightly annoyed. "Here let me help you up." Finny stood up and extended his hand to you, as you placed his hand in his you were pulled up quite fast, causing you to loose your balance. "Oh my I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I have more strength than I know what to do with." He said. "Alright lovebirds come help me clean this mess up." You looked behind Finny to see Baldroy standing there. "But you made the mess I think you should clean it up!" Finny whined as he turned to face Baldroy. "No it's okay, I'll help." you said trying to lighten the mood. "That's the spirit!" Baldroy said as he grabbed both yours and Finny's wrists and pulled you into the kitchen. ~Time skip to the end of cleaning~ "There we are, all better." Baldroy said with an accomplished sigh. You nodded and smiled. "The young master has requested your presence Y/N." You turned around to see Sebastian standing in the entrance to the kitchen. "Okay, I'll be right up." you said. Sebastian bowed and walked away. You waved goodbye to Finny and Baldroy as you left to go see what the young master needed. You knocked on the door to his study and waited for him to let you in. You walked in and closed the door behind you. "Y/N?" He asked looking confused. "Yes?" you answered. "Why are you still in you night gown?" You immediately turned dark red as you looked at the ground. "Well you see, I must've forgotten to change, I'm terribly sorry it won't happen again." you looked up slightly to see a small smile, a real smile, spread across Ciel's lips. "No, no it's fine. But what I really wanted to ask you was of it was okay for me to throw another ball this Saturday." (It was Friday.) "Why would you need my permission?" you asked confused. "Because I'd hate for you to be uncomfortable here during social events here, because of what happened last time." he really did care for you, your own master. You had to admit it made you blush.  "Well?" you made eye contact with Ciel."I think a ball would be lovely!" you exclaimed trying to lift your spirits. "But I'd like to just help this time if that's okay, I'm not very social." Ciel's smile remained and he nodded. "Of course." He thanked you and you went back on your way. You walked down the long hallway here you'd tripped and fallen into Lau's room. The thought of that night gave you chills. You quickend your pace passing his room. You did not want to deal with him again.

The rest of the day was boring an uneventful, which made you happy due to all of the complications that had happened lately. That night you undressed and slipped into your night gown and went straight to bed, you wanted to be sharp for tomorrow's ball. You woke up early the next morning to start cleaning preparations. You cleaned for hours until your hands were sore. You walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. You saw Sebastian preparing snacks as you kept your head down in order to avoid eye contact with him. Once you had gotten your water you went to your room to relax before the ball. Before you knew it you drifted off to sleep. "Y/N! Y/N!!!!" You were shaken awake by Baldroy as he stood above you. "Come on Y/N the ball just started, we need your help!" You immediately sprang up and rushed with Baldroy to the ball room. You walked around with trays of snacks and drinks. "If you'd like you can take a break." you looked over at Finny. "Sure, thank you!" You handed your tray of snacks to him and went into the crowd to find Ciel. "Y/N! What a pleasant surprise! Oh I'd like you to prepare a room for Elizabeth, she'll be staying the night." You nodded and walked out of the ball room. You found the guest room that you thought would best suit Elizabeth and changed the sheets, water and dusted the book shelves. You were just finished dusting the pictures on the shelves when all of a sudden you felt dizzy, your vision blurred and you fell to the ground. You won't leave me this time. You heard a voice and the world went black.

Hey guys! Hoped you liked the cliff hanger! I'm really bad at them I know, but I hoped you enjoyed it regardless! I'll do my best to upload the next chapter/part tomorrow night! Later gators!

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