Part 4

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My Wednesday morning began with mixed feelings after a restless night. I was hoping not to bump into Tom. I didn't think I could bear it. After considering wearing my most baring work dress, I decided not to go this path. Instead, I chose an average but happy yellow sleeveless dress with black belt and high heels. After all, I needed to prove to myself that I was fine.

As usual, Kate was already there. She liked to start her day early, so she could leave before rush hour. "You look very cheerful this morning. Had a good day off?" Kate greeted me.

"As good as it gets!" And with a peppy half-twist, I headed for my desk. On my way to work, I'd come to the conclusion that I was going to see the hanky-panky with Tom as an adventure, and I almost convinced myself that I took as much advantage of him as he did of me. So in the end, I gained from the experience.

I'd just opened my first email, when my office phone rang. "HSE, Lisa speaking! How can I help you?"

"Hi, Lisa!" It was Hannah, sounding out of breath. "I need your help!"

"What happened," I asked her concerned. It wasn't like Hannah asking me for help.

"Can I come over tonight? I really need to talk to you about a guy I met on the weekend. He's been stalking me."

"Oh, Hannah!" I almost felt like teasing her, but my usually easy-going friend sounded too worried. "Are you okay to wait until tonight?" I quickly added.

"Yes. Thanks, darling!"

"Sure, come over anytime. I'll be home just after six."

Hannah sounded very anxious. It wasn't the first time one of her lovers followed her around but she'd always been able to handle it.

I had known Hannah for over eight years. She had just broken off with her boyfriend Travis when I met her at a yoga class. The real reason was still unknown to me, although I presumed he might have been unfaithful to her. Hannah had been with Travis for almost three years. After they split, she only had two relationships which lasted just over a month; the rest were one-night stands, almost weekly. I have always had the feeling that she never really got over Travis, although she wouldn't admit it. It crossed my mind that Hannah and Tom would have a smashing time together.

I had to concentrate on work. Hannah's problems had to wait until later. In the meantime, I was glad that she would distract ME from becoming a stalker.

Turning my attention back to my computer screen, the office door opened, and Michael entered. Before the door closed behind him, I caught a quick but heartrending glimpse of Tom, who just yesterday had touched me so tenderly. My heart started racing, and I became increasingly worried he'd follow Michael in. I didn't think I could stand being in the same room with him. When he stayed outside, relief swept over me, yet an emptiness remained. Did Tanya feel the same when he was around?

After answering all my emails, the phone rang again. It was Meredith from 'Living Free', one of our partner charities, which supports victims of domestic violence. We were running a fundraiser for them the coming weekend. Facing some difficulties, she asked if I could come over to her. Their office was only a fifteen minute walk away. As a bonus: I didn't risk running into Tom. I left immediately.

It was just after two when I finished at Living Free. On my way back to the office, I decided to take my lunch break at Quibaree Park by the water, in the shade of a large palm tree, overlooking the calming harbour. I got myself a sushi roll and sparkling water and settled on the ground. It always felt relaxing sitting in the green, surrounded by trees while looking over the water. I completely blocked out the traffic noise from the streets, focusing on the nature around me, feeling the slight breeze on this otherwise sticky hot day; a skill I had acquired over the past ten years, in a combination of yoga and meditation classes. Without these exercises, I probably would have gone insane, raising two children and dealing with a husband who had been useless, for the most part anyway.

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