Part 11

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When dessert was served, I just had to swap my chocolate cake for the most creamy cheesecake with Dave. Before I could finish though, Kate and I had to take the stage to deliver the welcome speech.

I was deep in fantasy land over my cheesecake, when Tom stepped onto the stage, taking the microphone in his left hand while slipping the right one into that pocket of his suit pants. The innuendo took me by surprise and caused me to drop my fork with a loud clang on the table. In shock, I nearly spit the cake I had just put in my mouth all over the table. Instead, I chocked in the attempt of keeping my food in and blushed, carried away by the memories of just half an hour earlier. Tom left his hand there throughout the entire length of his speech, acknowledging the cause and praising the great organisation. His eyes were on me the entire time and sharpened, when Dave placed a protective arm around my shoulder. "So don't be shy. Put your hands in your pockets and help some desperate families in need." Tom ended his speech. He mentioned it outside, but why didn't I know he was holding a speech earlier? I prepared the agenda!

Other officials followed with their speeches before the auctions were announced. The first items up for sale were collector pieces, including signed books, pictures and items from rock- and sport stars. There were high-end wine bottles, jewellery and holiday packages. When a farm stay weekend was up for grasp, no one put in an offer. The starting bid was set at two hundred dollars . Most items went for a much higher value than they were worth, so when no offer was received, Dave snapped my number and held it up. "Farm stay for four for our lovely Lisa over there. Wonderful event, by the way." The auctioneer winked at me.

"What did you do that for?" I hissed at Dave.

"I haven't got a number. Don't worry. If you get it for two hundred, I'll pay and come along." I poked him with my elbow. I guess I could use a break. And the kids as well.

"Two hundred and fifty dollars for the gentlemen with the number eighty-nine." The auctioneer called out.

"Three hundred dollars for number thirty four." The bidding continued until the holiday package went for three thousand five-hundred dollars to number eighty-nine.

"See, now you don't have to spend a week on a stinky farm with me," Dave winked with a smile.

"I don't mind stinky farms. Could have used a break," I answered huffily.

"We'll go to the Blue Mountains for a weekend once your house is sold. Corey's cousin will leave us his holiday cabin. Now: Smile!"

After the auction, the band started playing again and the first couples moved onto the dance floor. The mood was very cheerful, but I just couldn't get rid of the confusion I felt.

"Are you okay alone for a moment, baby girl?" Dave shouted in my ear, drowning the background noise. "Corey needs to make a few phone calls and just wants to walk down to the harbour."

"I'll be fine. Go. No hurry." I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I was so happy that he'd come to accompany me.

"I'll be back in ten and expect to find you back here." With a kiss to my cheek, he left.

Ordering a sparkling mineral water, I watched the now many couples sweeping over the dance floor when Tanya invited herself to sit next to me.

"What's up, Tanya? Enjoying your night?" I asked her as friendly as possible. She made it hard for me to treat her respectfully.

"Oh, it's quite a nice party. I, of course, enjoy more fashionable events." She bowed her head slightly before throwing it back, making her hair fly over her shoulder. Then Tanya continued. "But on the positive side there are usually other guests who are just as bored as me, and then I get to have a lot of fun."

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