Part 12

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Tom showed me to a Princess S72 yacht. Not that I knew anything about yachts, but Tom explained it all to me. Once on board, I couldn't cease my amazement. I'd never been on a yacht before and acted like a child in wonderland. There were three cabins, fully equipped with state of the art furniture, including a saloon and stateroom with king size bed. Best of all was the deck saloon which flowed into the cockpit. I was speechless.

"Is this yours?" I asked after finally finding my voice again.

"It is ours for tonight - if you like."

"If I like? Are you serious? Who wouldn't like this? I might move in."

Tom smiled. It was obvious that he was used to luxury yachts and other sophisticated amenities. His highlight seemed to be my child in the candy store show. I rushed from one side of the yacht to the other, marvelling at every detail.

"What would you like to drink?" Tom asked all gentleman, gesturing me to sit on the white leather lounge inside. Oh, how he fitted in that environment. I on the contrary... well; I took his offer and marvelled at the view. It was amazing. 360 degree views, open plan living, and it crossed my mind that the furniture would be worth multiple times the amount of all the furniture combined in my home, and mine wasn't necessarily the worst. Most of my Ikea furniture had slowly been replaced over the years by more expensive brands. "We've got champagne, wine, or I can mix a cocktail?" Tom added.

"Oh! Hmm! - I think I've had enough cocktails for today. Would you have a sparkling water?" I whitewashed myself out of the situation.

"Sure. Anything to eat?"

"No. I'm still quite full from dinner. Thanks!"

Tom came back with a glass of mineral water for both of us and with chocolate covered strawberries and bananas, perfectly garnished. "Just because I'm not having any alcohol doesn't mean you can't have any."

Tom looked at me, amused. "Just because we're out at sea doesn't mean I can sail drunk." I was speechless. After letting my new found knowledge sink in, I asked, "Have you got a boat licence?"

He laughed out loud. Tom looked at me like a parent looks at their child after saying something very cute. Great, still haven't made it past the kid stage, I thought to myself.

"As a matter of fact, I do. I even have an international one, renewed last year. That means, we can go on a four year cruise, if you like."

"That would really push your one night rule, so I guess I have to decline," I replied boldly.

"Hah! - Would you like to check my licence?" Tom challenged me.

"As a matter of fact, I do. Can't trust strangers on beautiful big yachts. And a breath test would be advisable."

To my surprise, Tom retrieved a breathalyser from one of the cupboards near the cockpit. He blew in, not leaving his eyes off mine and proudly presented me a result of 0.02.

"Oops. I think that means you can't drive." I tried to be smart.

"I think that means I can have more champagne - and you. And I'll be sailing it, not driving," he added with a wink. Without notice, Tom lifted me up, supporting my weight with his arms under by butt. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, after lifting my long dress over my knees, allowing them to bend.

"You make me so hot. And to think that you haven't been wearing anything underneath your dress. You keep on surprising me in ways I thought were impossible." Tom buried his face into my neck, kissing me while gliding his right hand up to my hair. Once in a sudden he came to a halt, let me slide down his body slowly and explained, "I wanted to wait for this until we're out at sea, under the stars." Gosh, this man is confusing. How can one person go from straight-to-the-point one-week stand with all its naughty talk, to super romantic?

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