Part 18

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In a hurry, Emma and I got ready for Ava's party. I'd promised her mum, Belinda, I'd help out, as like me, she didn't have any family around. Sam got dressed for the evening party at Ryan's place, Corey's brother. The plan was for Emma and me to meet them at Ryan's after Ava's party. I was glad to be busy, knowing damn well that otherwise I'd be spending my day researching Tom over and over again and freaking out over Michael. Ever since the incident, I'd lost my sense of security, paranoid that Michael would await me around every corner.

When Dave arrived, I was standing in front of my walk-in closet, wearing my white bathrobe, contemplating what to wear. We were going to Ryan's party straight after Ava's birthday, so I needed something suitable for both events. I was hopeless. My knight in shining armor, Dave, entered my bedroom, quickly screening through my wardrobe, single-mindedly pulling out items: "Carmine red, short sleeve chiffon dress with chamois belt. Beige ballerinas for afternoon party and sparkly golden high heels for the evening." Dave moved over to my jewellery box on my dresser. "Golden drop earrings and matching necklace. Et voila! Madam is ready to go. You will look stunning!"

I had watched Dave with my mouth wide open. His choice of clothes lay in front of me, spread out on my bed. "Are you kidding me?" I asked him astonished. "I've been standing here for at least fifteen minutes, with no clue what to pick and you come in here and are done in less than thirty seconds?"

Dave shrugged his shoulders with a bright smile on his face. 

"And what is it with you and those colours? Isn't red, beige, and maybe golden enough? Does chamois even exist?"

"Honey," Dave countered, "You've got to know your colours." Dave made me laugh. He was quite something. Just by looking at him you would never guess that he was such a softy.

Before putting on my dress, Dave made me sit on the brown leather chair in the corner of my bedroom and put my hair into a masterpiece of a curly updo. I had to admit, his choice of wardrobe and styling was brilliant. I did manage to put my own make-up on. Before joining Ryan's party, I would quickly spice up my lipstick and hopefully be done.

I ended up feeling a little useless at Ava's birthday party. Belinda had organised a Pamper Party for the girls, so the two of us got to enjoy ourselves in the kitchen: First over coffee, then sparkling champagne. Sipping on my drink made my body automatically tingle. How long would it take me not to associate every sensation with Tom?

It was a great afternoon. I would have to look into organising something similar for Emma. The girl's had the best time, and that included Belinda and me. After the party, I ordered a taxi and twenty minutes later, in ten centimetre higher heels, I arrived with Emma at Ryan's. He had a wonderful house right at the beach. With him being an anaesthetist and his wife working as a GP, they were well off. It was a wonderful ambiance and the party was already in full swing. It took me a while to locate Sam and Dave, but I eventually found them at the beach. Where else?

"Thank goodness you're here, darling," Dave whispered in my ear whilst giving me my hello hug. "Sam here was my saviour tonight," he announced loud and clearly.

"Where's Corey?" He usually wasn't far from Dave.

"I don't know. I've only seen him for five minutes when we arrived. His parents keep him occupied."

"Sorry, Dave. Want a drink?" I tried to lift the spirits.

Sam and Emma headed off, playing with Corey's nieces and some other kids. I organised us some fancy looking cocktails, with no idea what was in them. "Drinking without regret," I toasted to Dave. They were delicious, but somehow, the expected happiness just didn't settle in.

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