Part 8

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Visiting hours at the hospital were not until ten, so I made myself a cup of coffee and called Dave. Besides Hannah, he was my other best friend and confidant. He'd been on a retreat with his partner for the past week and only just got back. Apart from the occasional text message when he managed to get reception, I hadn't heard from him.

"Hey, stranger!" Dave answered. He always sounded happy. Must be the healthy lifestyle and relationship to a guy who fully understood and supported him in what he did. Dave and Corey were one of the few couples I knew who really worked.

"How was the retreat? All relaxed and refreshed?" I teased him with a hint of jealousy. Dave really deserved the trip and relationship but deep inside I wished I could have a bit of the luck he had. Not that I would ever admit that. I would be too ashamed.

"Good, good." Dave gave me a rundown on his week away before asking concerned: "But you sound stressed. Everything okay?"

"Well, Hannah is in hospital. She's got a concussion."


"Long story. Want to catch up later today?"

"What are you not telling me?" Dave questioned. For some reason I always got caught out by my friends.

"Nothing. - I'll tell you later. Want to come over after your shift today?"

"Sure. I finish at four. Does that work for you?"

"Perfect. I'll see you at four."

My next task was to google GP's in the area. I needed to get tested after the last night, but didn't want to go to my regular doctor with my problem. It felt too embarrassing. I chose a practice in a nearby suburb. Feeling a little bit ridiculous, I called to make an appointment for the following week, then left to visit Hannah. Keeping busy kept me from thinking too much about Tom. He is such an ass, blaming me for forgetting protection. It was his responsibility just as much. And calling me a gold digger, who does he think he is? I am the one who has to live with the consequences.

Upon my arrival at the hospital, the doors were still closed for visitors.

I remembered that I still hadn't spoken to Zoe. Checking my phone, there was a missed call from her from the night before. With all the drama going on, I hadn't even noticed. I called her back, but only got her voice mail again. It would probably be better to wait until after the visit, I decided. At least I could give her an update. Hopefully, Hannah would be better.

When I entered Hannah's room, the fragrance of fresh flowers encased me. Once again, I was stunned by the beauty of her room. Hannah was awake and smiled at me. "How are you, Hannah darling?" I asked her concerned.

"Been better," she said with the hint of a smile. "Sorry for yesterday. I don't know what came over me."

"Hannah, you're injured. I should've insisted they take you to hospital straight after the attack. Keeping you at home was irresponsible."

"Hey! Not your fault. Thanks for looking after me. How are you going anyways?"

"I'm not the one lying in a hospital bed."

"No." Hannah responded wickedly. "But you're the one with the hot lover."

"Oh no. No more casual sex for me. Tried it! Not my thing."

"Me neither. No more."

Hannah stretched out her shaking hand for me. She felt cold. Squeezing her hand tightly, I gave it a kiss. I was so glad she was her former self again. Just then, a middle aged nurse entered the room. She wore red framed glasses which matched her stylish short, red dyed hair. The look suited her and was kind of cute with the matching freckles in her face. The name on her batch read Audrey.

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