#summary# CHAPTER 8: The Lost Necklace.

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Like usual Wu Suowei is walking to the clinic for an appointment to clean his wound.

With a mocking tone Jiang XiaoShuai slowly said, "Ah this skull is getting harder day by day."

Wu Suowei chuckled, "How many days will it takes?"

"A week will do!"

"You're really amazing. Why are you always torturing yourself? Do you always think where to smash next?" XiaoShuai then added, "You always come back to me when you are in pain. I doubt whether you still like her or you have fallen for me." Wu Suowei scratched his neck and smile embarrassedly.

After the treatment, Wu Suowei rushed out. He then realized that it is raining. Jiang XiaoShuai lends him an umbrella. "Thanks. I give it back tomorrow!" Then, he ran up the road.

Jiang XiaoShuai didn't go home that night. He shut the windows and doors and went into the clinic. It is raining and the rain hits the windows, making it rattled. Jiang XiaoShuai is not sleepy. Hence, he sat in front of the computer and began typing.

After three to four hours, his eyes were heavy and he is getting sleepy. He crooked his head on the pillow and fell asleep.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A very strong knock is heard.

Jiang XiaoShuai impatiently rolled over. He is annoyed.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The knock gets louder.

Damn! Jiang XiaoShuai got mad. It's so fucking late. Who came knocking at this time? He angrily yanked the door and shouted, "Who?"

"XiaoShuai, it's me!"

Jiang XiaoShuai is speechless. Why this kid comes here back? Opening the door, he saw Wu Suowei is standing at the doorway. His head is still wrapped with gauze and his shoes are wet from the rain. He then said to Wu Suowei, "what are you doing here?"

"I borrowed money from my mother to buy a necklace to give to Yue Yue. I want to pay my mother back but I can't find the necklace. I search everywhere to see where I drop it. Then I saw the light in your room is still on so I knock on the door. "

Jiang XiaoShuai scratched his hair and told Wu Suowei to come in quickly.

Wu Suowei rummaged the office for half an hour. He searched all nook and cranny, but he doesn't find the necklace.

"When is the last time you saw the necklace?" Jiang XiaoShuai asked him.

Wu Suowei delves into his memories, "when I gave her the necklace at the cafe, then I did not pay attention anymore."

Jiang XiaoShuai is in a doubt. He then sneer and look at him silently. "Do not find that necklace anymore."

"Why?" Wu Suowei doesn't understand.

Jiang XiaoShuai tells him directly. "Your necklace is with her all along?"

Wu Suowei shook his head, looking very relaxed, "That's impossible. She said she doesn't want it. I also put it in the bag and she can't possibly take it away from my bag, right?"

"Don't believe? Let's wait and see."

Wu Suowei silently hopes, "it's good if she took it. Perhaps she accepts the necklace after she saw my attempt to suicide."

Jiang XiaoShuai poked Wu Suowei's forehead and said fiercely: "If I am the god of thunder, I'll strike you."

(T/N: the god of thunder is a pun since it's raining outside and Jiang wants to kill him because of his stupidity.)

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