[M] CHAPTER 148: Of Torture and Pleasure

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"You know, Xiao Shuai? Everything I do is to maintain our relationship. I don't want to break up with you, and I don't want to lose my superior social status, so I can only do this."

"I am sincere to you, but my self-esteem does not allow me to beg you to accept my marriage and continue to be with me. Only when you live in my shadow, you will not be with other men, only after I get rid the old woman, then we can renew our love."

"Do you think it is possible?" Jiang Xiao Shuai asked.

Meng Tao choked on his blood, "Why is it impossible? If no one had obstructed us, I went to the clinic to find you that day to tell you the truth. In fact, they didn't touch you at all, they purposely posed for the sake of taking pictures, and the semen on you was the result from masturbating."

Jiang Xiao Shuai trembled, "Who can prove it?"

"Guo Cheng Yu can prove it." Meng Tao sincerely glanced at Guo Cheng Yu that stood not far from them, "The men I hired are straight. They totally not interested in men."

Guo Cheng Yu didn't speak, and Li Wang spoke up on his behalf.

"Yes, after all those men were detained, they did sexuality screening and HIV test, all showed negative."

A thunderbolt blasted over Jiang Xiao Shuai's head, causing his body to turn paralyzed and only recovered his consciousness after a long time.

"So you held back at that time, thinking about waiting for your success, then dumping the old woman. Then bring this so-called 'truth' to me, tell me this is just a misunderstanding, tell me you just left her for me, expecting me to cry, and then reconcile with you again?"

Meng Tao didn't speak, but his eyes had already admitted on Jiang Xiao Shuai's words.

"So you are saying that if they never expose you, then I could possibly reconcile with you?" Jiang Xiao Shuai asked again.

Meng Tao said, "Jiang Xiao Shuai, no matter what I did, my feeling for you is true, I think of you all the time in the past two years. I know you are thinking of me too, I know you can't forget me, so I cast away all the issues and problems and come here to find you."

"Cast away all the issues?" Jiang Xiao Shuai snorted, "You really know how to use the word 'issue', how does your issues relate to me? From your high paid salary as a marketing manager? From the personal experience you got after marrying a rich old woman? Or from your rich history of affair?"

When he finished, everyone in the room laughed.

Li Wang couldn't refrain from refute, "da ge, go ask around the street, with your experiences, is there any person who wouldn't mind it?"

Meng Tao ignored those mocking words and only looked at Jiang Xiao Shuai alone.

"Don't use a cold façade to cover your honest and fair heart, no matter what came out from your mouth, there is still a soft spot in your heart, you are still Jiang Xiao Shuai whom I first met. Xiao Shuai, I know my love to you before was too fragile, too weak, I know you felt confused, and you can't let it go. I can apologize to you in front of so many people, bow my head to you, beseeching to be with you again."

Li Wang was dying to remove his own ears, Guo Cheng Yu still looked calm as before.

Jiang Xiao Shuai suddenly approached Meng Tao, and said softly: "If I tell you, I knew that you had been tossed around these past few days, do you still want me?"

Meng Tao's lips trembled, "Impossible!"

Jiang Xiao Shuai laughed, "you have lost all your sexual abilities in front and backside, right? You can't even use the toilet regularly? You can't sit and stand properly, right? With your second-rated disabled body right now, even if you still want me, I don't want you anymore."

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