CHAPTER 61: Staring At That Big Thing.

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Author: Chai JiDan

Full Etrans: Evie & Anne Noh

It was already dark by the time they returned to the house

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It was already dark by the time they returned to the house. Mrs. Wu stuck her head out from the kitchen, smiled at Chi Cheng and said, "Dinner is ready. Eat before you go."

Wu Suowei's kitchen was very simple. There's only a table with paint that was already peeled off, a [1] cabinet and a large wok. Originally there was a gas stove and an induction stove, but Mrs. Wu had a bad memory. [2] Hence, they removed those things in case something bad might happen. [3] The wok could only be used over firewood, so the floor was full of hay and firewood, with flies buzzing around the cooking area.

[T/N: [1] Refer to the picture below. [2] 'They' refer to Wu family members-Wu Suowei and his sisters. [3] Refer to the picture below.]

The whole scenes unfolded in front of Chi Cheng's eyes.

Wu Suowei could not help but thought that Chi Cheng would use whatever excuse he could to decline his mother's hospitality.

Chi Cheng answered without thinking much.

Wu Suowei suddenly remembered an occasion from last year. It was Yue Yue's first time to come to have dinner at his home. At that time, the kitchen was spotlessly clean. No grease on the stove, no leftovers in the cabinet, and no firewood on the ground...However Yue Yue did not come, did not even enter the front gate, only got as far as the alley and then left.

"How can I help you?" Chi Cheng asked Mrs. Wu.

Mrs. Wu quickly waved him away. "No need, no need, you guys can go to the living room and wait."

Upon entering the living room, Chi Cheng automatically noticed the framed pictures hanging on the wall. It was a very old picture frame which was filled with a lot of photos, mostly black and white. Chi Cheng's line of sight was drawn directly to a photo of a baby in the lower left hand corner. It was [4] Wu Suowei's 100 days picture, the huge black eyes which looked as if they want to convey something, and could easily made others fall for him.

[T/N: [4] For Chinese custom, baby 100 days old celebration is a huge things but not all celebrate it. Relatives and friends will give presents and parents will take picture of their baby (usually naked). The 100 days represent the baby will live for 100 years (longevity).]

"You are only a bit more than three months old, and your balls are already that big?"

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