CHAPTER 149: It's Still This Early?

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Two months passed by in a flash, Wu Suowei's new factory had been built and the products were being mass produced.

Because the scale of the company continuously expanded, and the efficiency also had been continuously improved, and the reputation in the industry circle was also getting better, and it attracted a lot of outstanding youngsters to apply for a job.

One of them was called Lin Yan Rui, he was caught by Wu Suowei's eyes, the man was very capable, and his work was also efficient, the most important thing was that they got along very well. Usually he worked as an assistant to the director at the company, he helped Wu Suowei to deal with some trivial matter and also the important tasks, and occasionally he would also serve as a driver.

Lin Yan Rui worshiped Wu Suowei very much, it was because both of them graduated from the same university and they were also from the same batch. Now Wu Suowei already owned a company and yet Lin Yan Rui was still struggling.

"Director Wu, let's have a meal at my house, I always mention you to my mother, she really wants to see you."

Wu Suowei was very polite, "that will just bring inconvenience to her."

Lin Yan Rui looked at Wu Suowei's expression, he was slightly eager and said quickly, "let's do it today, I'll call my mother and tell her to go and buy ingredients now."

"Don't call yet!" Wu Suowei took out his cell phone, "let me check if there are other arrangements tonight."

What he called as another arrangement was just an earlier notice, this was to avoid that certain someone whose body was like a raging tiger with a dark intention wanted to get down to business as the young master Chi might suddenly barged into her house just to fuck his lover and scared the old lady.

At the end, he still had not call Chi Cheng, instead Chi Cheng had called him first.

"There is a department's dinner tonight, I have to have some drink with the leaders and will come to pick you up later."

Wu Suowei was happy when he heard it, "just have a great time with your leaders, I will pick you up later on."

After that, he hung up the phone and made an OK gesture toward Lin Yan Rui.

After getting off from work at night, Lin Yan Rui drove the car and took Wu Suowei to his home.

"Director Wu, my family house's condition is not that great, it is just a few meter square small one-storey house, please don't mind that."

"Why did you say that?" Wu Suowei tidying up his appearance using the rear mirror and casually spoke, "my house is also a few meter square small one-storey house, I still haven't bought a new house yet."

Lin Yan Rui was surprised, "how could it be possible? You are this rich, yet you still haven't bought a house?"

"Ai, now I am casually looking for a good location, and a spacious newly built house are going to cost more than RMB 10 million. I had spent quite a lot to build a new factory, now I also need to buy some equipment, some of the loans deadline are also approaching, how can I spend the money?"

Wu Suowei didn't speak about his hidden stash, the one that he saved up for a dream of providing dowry for his wife.

Lin Yan Rui nodded, "that's right, I always thought that your company was founded some years ago, when I think back it was built less than a year. It is remarkable for it to be able to expand this big."

Wu Suowei haughtily checked his fingernails that were trimmed neatly.

"Besides, I don't know whom to live with even when I buy a house. My mother simply won't be able to get used to living in a new environment, she doesn't even last for a week every time she stays at my older sister's house as she feels uncomfortable and it isn't as cozy as her house. Plus, she still thinks I am working in a state-owned company. If I were to buy a house, she will definitely think I take a loan for the sake of buying a house and she definitely wouldn't be able to sleep well because of it."

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