CHAPTER 59: Watching Porn To Train The Courage.

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Author: Chai JiDan

Full Etrans: Anne Noh

For the whole week, Chi Cheng didn't even saw Wu Suowei's shadow

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For the whole week, Chi Cheng didn't even saw Wu Suowei's shadow.

It was finally weekend. They were many people came to see the doctor. Jiang XiaoShuai woke up early in the morning and began working. He was busy until noon and did not even have time to drink anything including his saliva. The treatment room was not that big, and yet there was someone that appeared as if the "patient's" [1] father-in-law that stayed and did not want to leave. He did not want to see doctor, and did not speak. He just quietly watched Jiang XiaoShuai for the whole day.

[T/N: [1] Someone that is important and significant.]

The collar of Jiang XiaoShuai's dress shirt was wet, and he did not know if it was because he was hot or scared.

After sending off the last patient, there were only Jiang XiaoShuai and Chi Cheng left in the treatment room.

"It's useless for you to stay here, I do not know where he went."

Chi Cheng glanced at the clock that was hanging on the wall and coldly said: "12 o'clock..."

Jiang XiaoShuai raised his eyebrow in challenge, ready to leave now?

"You think...if I were to start fucking you right now, will we be able to finish everything before [2] big iron head comes?" Belt buckling noise could be heard.

[T/N: [2] big iron head, 大铁头 is one of the nicknames that was given to WSW by CC.]

"He went home." Jiang XiaoShuai clenched his teeth.

Chi Cheng held the belt in his hand and went out with a sneer.

The past few days at home, Wu Suowei had been [3] hiding under the cover, and watched a movie after a movie.

[T/N: [3] 猫 used in this line is a dialect for 'to hide' not a 'cat'. Almost as 'being a pussy' in English.]

He brought Jiang XiaoShuai's computer home, which stored thousands of [4] Gmovie with various genres. For the first few days, Wu Suowei watched something light. He grimaced and clenched his fists while watching, and kept on lamenting in his mind: what are they thinking? I don't even want to eat rice and my bowel movement got traumatized after watching these.

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