CHAPTER 98: Hair Trigger.

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Author: Chai JiDan

Full Etrans: Evie

Around four o'clock in the morning, a cell phone suddenly rang

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Around four o'clock in the morning, a cell phone suddenly rang. Wu Suo Wei quickly opened his eyes, squinting.

Chi Cheng's arm encircled Wu Suo Wei. He could feel his heart rate speed up and so stroked his chest soothingly a few times with his big hand. "It's nothing, just my phone. Go back to sleep."

Then, he took the phone and went out.

"We have a situation here. Gangzi told us he just saw six trucks going into the army base. The cargo bays are closed so he can't tell how many people are inside. I would guess these trucks are here for the snakes. I reckon half an hour until they finish loading. There are several of us hidden in a couple of abandoned sheds a mile or so away from there, and we have a team guarding the roadside. The trucks won't get by us."

Chi Cheng closed his eyes. "I'll be right there. Be careful."

Finished, he hung up the phone.

Wu Suo Wei lay in bed submissively. Chi Cheng sat and stroked his bald head for a long time, a wisp of regret floating in his eyes. Da bao, you have put up with so much for so long. One last time, wait for me to return. I need to settle a problem once and for all so we can be together without any issues.

As soon as he heard the door close, Wu Suo Wei sat up in bed.

What on earth was Chi Cheng up to so early in the morning?

Could it be that Chi Yuan Duan discovered the abnormal situation and called his son to come home for a talk? If so, that was good. If Chi Cheng was tackling Chi Yuan Duan over there, it would mean less resistance for Wu Suo Wei over here. Anyway, as long as the Chi Cheng is out of the picture, you won't be connected with the matter of the missing snakes.

So thinking, the quick-witted boy got out of bed and got dressed.

Just as he was leaving, a call came in.

"Wu ge, our mole from Gangzi's side called me to say that they saw civilian trucks driving into the army base. They suspect the trucks are there for the snakes. A bunch of us are staked out at the southeast corner of the junction. The trucks will be here before too long. What should we do?"

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