CHAPTER 153: Splendid Battle.

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The next morning, Wu Suowei met Li Zhi Ling and gave her a jewelry box.

"Chi Cheng told me to pass it to you.

Li Zhi Ling was happy, but she quickly pouted her lips.

"There is no sincerity at all, why someone else have to pass the birthday gift? He can't give it to me himself?"

Wu Suowei showcased an awkward façade. "this...I guess he is embarrassed. Just think, he even needs me as a mediator between both of you when he wants to approach you, after all there is still a layer of barrier that has not been broken, shouldn't you give Chi Cheng an opportunity to make clear of his stance?"

Li Zhi Ling quickly caught Wu Suowei's hint, and immediately responded: "I'm holding a party tonight, just in time for an opportunity, you must make sure Chi Cheng come."

Wu Suowei raised his eyebrows, "is it good if I'm the one who tell him this? "

Li Zhi Ling thought for a moment, "right, then I will go find him at the bureau and told him personally."

Wu Suowei couldn't help but think that if Chi Cheng turned down the invitation, it proved that he really didn't have any interest in Li Zhi Ling, therefore Wu Suowei must do anything to persuade him to go and he wouldn't fuss around once everything ended.

But if Chi Cheng eagerly accepts the invitation, whether it was out of personal feelings or good relationship with the superior, it is a premonition that Li Zhi Ling exists in his heart which would inevitably be a lurking danger in the future. Although it was slightly far-fetched to blame everything on Chi Cheng, but the evil Wu Suowei would regard it as the only way to catch Chi Cheng, and it could be used to punish Chi Cheng, a good chance for him to retaliate against him.

"Right, just give this back to Chi Cheng." Li Zhi Ling said.

Wu Suowei was very satisfied with Li Zhi Ling's performance, this wretch is getting more delusional day by day.

"Yes, if you want to hold a birthday party, giving this gift will not be enough to show his sincerity."

Li Zhi Ling's cheeks slightly reddish, "when you give this back to Chi Cheng, make sure you tell him that it wasn't because I don't want it, it just that I don't want it at this moment. He will realize when he must give this to me."

Wu Suowei smiled, "don't worry, I will make sure he understand if he doesn't get it."

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Suowei received a phone call from Chi Cheng.

"I won't be having dinner with you tonight."

Wu Suowei's heart tightened and asked: "where are you going?"

"Friend's birthday."

Hearing this, Wu Suowei didn't ask anything, and directly hung up. Although this was the best result as he didn't need to waste his energy and he got the evidence that he needed in order to retaliate against Chi Cheng, but Wu Suowei still feel slightly uncomfortable when he knew that Chi Cheng had agreed so quickly.

However, he must suck it up no matter how uncomfortable he was feeling, after all it was the last battle.

It must end splendidly.

Thinking of this, Wu Suowei immediately left his company, he went home and went to the bedroom to set up something. Then he immediately went to the hotel where Li Zhi Ling held her birthday party, parked his car at a hidden corner, rented a room opposite from the hotel and set up a high-definition binocular to closely observe every movements at the opposite side.

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