CHAPTER 21: Enemies Often Cross Each Other's Path.

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Author: Chai JiDan

Full Etrans: Anne Noh

Wu Suowei did not dare to open a stall at the previous place because he was scared of getting caught by Chi Cheng

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Wu Suowei did not dare to open a stall at the previous place because he was scared of getting caught by Chi Cheng. Hence, he moved to a farther place. Wu Suowei bought a secondhand tricycle and a stainless steel pot. He had been busy for a few days. Finally, he can start to work.

He knew a grandpa who is really good in making blow candy. He is quite old and he is very kind. When Wu Suowei didn't have customer, he will observe the grandpa making a blow candy. Wu Suowei was interested to learn making a blow candy. If his porridge had sold out first, he will go to the grandpa and bought all the remaining candy because he was afraid that the grandpa will stand for a long time.

One day, the grandpa had an argument with a Chengguan. The Chengguan wanted the grandpa to move but he didn't want to move. The Chengguan patted the grandpa's shoulder and suddenly the grandpa fell to the ground. He kept on rolling on the ground and shouted in pain, "The pain is killing me. It's hurt like hell...."

The Chengguan was afraid of getting into trouble hence he planned to drive away from the scene. As a result, the grandpa lay in front of the patrol car to avoid him from getting away and he asked for compensation. The crowd knew the truth. The grandpa kept on accusing the Chengguan. The Chengguan could not resist the pressures and gave 1000 dollars to the grandpa.

After the Chengguan left, the grandpa patted the dust and stood up. He proudly said to Wu Suowei, "Want to argue with me? He is still a tender young boy, do you see now? You need to learn this later...."

Since then, Wu Suowei never bought his candy.

He found that there were no weak people in this whole world. Everyone have to preserve their own set of rules, without shedding their compassion easily.

Today is the weekend hence lots of people came out to eat. Besides porridge, Wu Suowei also boiled a pot of corn.

"I want two cobs and a bowl of porridge."

"Sure. The total is five dollars."

Wu Suowei took the ten dollars and putted it into the bag. Then, he took out five dollars to give back to the customer. When he was ready to open his mouth to attract customers, he saw a familiar car not far from him. Suddenly, two figures went out. Wu Suowei's voice abruptly choked back.

Yue Yue wore branded clothes and was carrying a bag. The beautiful outfit shined dazzlingly. The man beside her had nothing to boast about but he looked like a wealthy man. Ever since they broke up, she had changed three boyfriends and this is the fourth. He is Wang Zhenlong.

Wu Wei avoided looking at them and he intended to ignore these two rich passerby.

"Eh? Wu QiQiong!" Yue Yue shouted.

Although Wu Suowei wore a low hat, Yue Yue still recognized him.

"You called selling porridge and corns as business?" Yue Yue jokingly picked up a corn and squinted at him, "Earn 50 cents for a cob? Can you earn 50 dollar on this day? Whoops, so many. I'm genuinely happy for you. You can be really promising! "

Wang Zhenlong hugged Yue Yue's waist. He feigned to be angry, bended down and said to her ear, "Do not be so rude."

Then he turned his head towards Wu Suowei and looked at him playfully.

"Say, [1] brick brother, my girlfriend has a sharp tongue so don't take it to heart. Actually, I have always felt remorseful for you. Both of you have been throughout ups-and-downs for seven years and you gave her so much affection. Heard Yue Yue had broken up with you and you had repeatedly trying to commit suicide? Hey, I think I'm so wicked! How can I snatch this poor boy's girlfriend? You say it's hard to find a girlfriend! Right?"

[T/N: [1] brick brother (ban zhuan Qiong) - a pun using Wu Suowei's old name, Wu QiQiong and 'brick' is because he smashed bricks to his head. ]

"Don't say that." Wu Suowei slowly adjusted his sleeves, looked at Wang Zhenlong and laughed, "I should be sorry for you. You had to go and buy jewelries from famous jewelry shop in order to sleep with her. I spend 15 dollars at a hostel to deflower her. How much pathetic can you get? "

Wang Zhenlong's face turned pale.

"Wu QiQiong, you are shameless!" Yue Yue's hand reached towards Wu Suowei's face.

Wu Suowei grabbed Yue Yue's arm, he was still smiling.

"Don't dirty your noble hand."

Yue Yue could not believe how ambitious and sharp Wu Suowei's words have become. He used to be good for nothing.

Wang Zhenlong got mad and punched Wu Suowei. Wu Suowei used his head that is hard as a rock to catch Wang Zhenglong's fist. Wang Zhenlong bellowed in pain and kicked Wu Suowei with his foot. Wu Suowei managed to escape.

Two men got out from the car. It is Wang Zhenlong's bodyguards.

"Beat him and smash his stall!"

No matter how hard Wu Suowei's forehead, he couldn't fight the beating from two professional bodyguards. He did not resist nor beg for mercy. He simply covered his vital parts. Two shiny black eyes can be seen from the gaps of his hands that were covering his head, looking straight at Wang Zhenlong's face. He outlined Wang Zhenglong's facial features in his mind again and again.

At the end, Wang Zhenlong stepped on the Wu Suowei's neck and profoundly said, "Poor bastard. You will use this position to live for the whole life and do not expect to turn over from failure. Go back to the village and marry a whore. Hahaha..."

Pleasenote that some part might be incorrect as we don't know how to translate theslangs and idioms to English and translators might rely on the pinyin. Mistakesare bound to happen and corrections are very welcome.

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