CHAPTER 106: Pulling Radish [1].

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Author: Chai JiDan

Full Etrans: Anne Noh

Editor: Chen Yi Jun

Wu Suowei's company had been opened for a few days, and they kept on receiving orders, the employees still weren't that familiar with the company's environment and forcing Wu Suowei to take care of the affair by himself. Wu Suowei worked very seriously, he would personally check all the orders, he also supervised the installing and dismantling site, occasionally he would personally do it by himself, and getting used with his life as a director.

He had been very busy these days, his biological clock was completely disrupted, not to mention about going back to live at the clinic, he didn't even have time to go and visit the clinic.

On the weekend, Jiang Xiao Shuai personally came to visit his apprentice.

"Zhang Quan, you and Zheng Xiang go to the warehouse and bring this LED display model; Xiao Wen Zi, don't leave yet, I want to ask you, yesterday Director Fang talked to you about project collaboration? ..."

Jiang Xiao Shuai heard Wu Suowei's voice even before entering the company, inquiring about this, instructing about that, and moving around like a spinning top. Finally, he turned toward Jiang Xiao Shuai, and yet he didn't have chance to speak as he was dragged away by a female employee.

"Director Wu, who is that handsome guy?"

Wu Suowei was a friendly director, therefore the employees always talk with him freely.

"You don't have to know, [2] he is taken."

[T/N: [2] lit. 'he has an owner']

The female employee winked, "Who?"

Wu Suowei lightly knocked her forehead, "what does it matter to you?"

"That..." she said, "The female employee looked at Wu Suowei's chest and poked him, "[3] are you taken?"

[T/N: [3] lit. 'do you have an owner']

He stared at her and fiercely pointed at his wrist watch.

"It's working hour now, go do your work!"

Wu Suowei finally free, sat beside Jiang Xiao Shuai on the sofa and have a chat.

"Oh fuck, I'm so busy in these two days." Wu Suowei habitually loosened his tie.

Jiang Xiao Shuai looked at him proudly, "don't forget to deal with your personal feelings after work!"

Wu Suowei's bright eyes suddenly darkened when Jiang Xiao Shuai touched his sore spot.

Jiang Xiao Shuai saw Wu Suowei didn't say anything, therefore he deliberately poked Wu Suowei with his elbow.

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