CHAPTER 120: Hidden Mystery.

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Author: Chai JiDan

Full Etrans: Anne Noh

Given that Wu Suowei's butt was in good shape, Chi Cheng loosened his watch over him and didn't interfere anything out of his private life, as long as he came home after work.

In this way, Wu Suowei could finally take a breath of relief, even when Jiang Xiao Shuai caught them in action, and in such embarrassing state, Wu Suowei didn't want to hide anymore. Because it had been too long he didn't talk with Jiang Xiao Shuai, the eagerness to meet him had diluted all his embarrassment and misunderstanding.

With painstaking inquires, Wu Suowei finally found Jiang Xiao Shuai.

At a  restaurant at Guo Cheng Yu's private club, two people chatting while eating, and it reduced a lot of their embarrassment.

"You stay here all this time?" Wu Suowei asked.

Jiang Xiao Shuai helpless answered, "where else can I go if not here? Waiting for your man to chop me into pulp?"

"I'm already with him, he won't do anything to you, right?"

"Who knows?" Jiang Xiao Shuai stirred the soup in the bowl with a spoon, "Guo Cheng Yu is fucking [1] black! If he didn't create this shit, I wouldn't be sitting in this shit hole."

[T/N: [1] in Sichuan dialect, '黑' is use when talking about lie or being framed etc. In this line he means GCY is a liar.]

Wu Suowei lightly coughed, "your words aren't appropriate, we are eating now."

"How so?" Jiang Xiao Shuai knocked on the plate, "the food we eat are red and green, how can you think of that?"

Wu Suowei, "I am colour-blind."

Jiang Xiao Shuai, "..."

Wu Suowei didn't want to fight with him and directly asked: "How did Guo Zi lied to you?"

"If he didn't hide the news regarding you and Chi Cheng, would I go into hiding? Would I return to the clinic at three in the morning and caught you two in action? Would I returned back and knocked on his bedroom door and then..."Jiang Xiao Shuai couldn't continue.

Wu Suowei didn't quite understand, "you are usually clever, how come you are deceived by Guo Zi? You just believe whatever he says? Why don't you turn on your phone and call me? If you call me earlier, would this problem occur?"

Jiang Xiao Shuai very timidly said: "Chi Cheng gave me five days to fix you, I can only manipulate you against your kindness. At the end, both of you aren't even together and things have been brought to light, how could I dare to contact you?"

"Chi Cheng gave you five days to fix me?" Wu Suowei repeated word by word the things that was said by Jiang Xiao Shuai.

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