CHAPTER 126: There's An Important Task Tonight

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Full Etrans: Anne Noh

Early Saturday morning, Chi Cheng and Gang Zi went to the suburban city together to manage his snakes. There was a traffic accident on their way back, and heavy congestion occurred on the entire highway, the vehicles on the highway couldn't move at all. Chi Cheng took off the belt around his pants, he kept on whipping it on his hand, and the whipping sounds were crisp.

Gang Zi had been around Chi Cheng for so many years, he could basically know the hidden meaning behind all his actions, for example when he was playing with belt, it means his hands were itchy right now.

"He can't satisfy you?" Gang Zi asked.

Chi Cheng casted his crude eyes out of the window, his voice was full of domineering power, "he can satisfy me, just that my hands are fidgety."

Gang Zi naturally understood, Chi Cheng's "fidgety hands" refer to his addiction for masochism.

"Did you ask his opinion about this? Maybe you can slowly lead him to accept this play when he is aroused. In fact, I felt that among all those partners you had, he has a very good physical condition. He also has unbending attitude, he would have the ability to withstand all those hard blows."

Gang Zi had said so much, yet Chi Cheng only replied him with a sentence.

"I can't do it."

Although Gang Zi was always "pleasantly surprised" ever since Chi Cheng and Wu Suowei got together, but he still couldn't adapt the changes of Chi Cheng's image from a sadistic thug to a [1] great man with five qualities.

[T/N: [1] Ambiguous five qualities of a good man are 1. A man who is skilful 2. A man who has good appearance 3. A man who is thoughtful 4. A man who is stable 5. A man who is loyal.]

"Why not?" Gang Zi asked again.

Chi Cheng gave him an unexpected answer.

"He will definitely cry."

Gang Zi was lost for words, who won't cry when having sex with you? Are his tears very precious to you?

"Then." Gang Zi figured out an idea, "when he riled you up, you take that opportunity to punish him heavily, you will get satisfied and can vent out your anger, it is such a great situation."

Unexpectedly, Chi Cheng said again: "He is obedient, I won't get rile up."

He's obedient? Gang Zi grumbled inwardly, is he obedient or you are the one who always tolerate him?

"Then find a fault and make an opportunity for him to do bad things." Gang Zi said.

Chi Cheng's sharp eyes turned at Gang Zi and asked, "How can I find a fault?"

Gang Zi said, "I'll find a woman to seduce him, you come out and catch him having an affair."

A loud whipping sound could be heard, the sound travelled out the window until under a bridge, making two men's shafts shudder in fear as they were taking a piss.

Chi Cheng, "If it really happens, the first one I'm going to beat is you."

Gang Zi's neck went rigid, his face twisted in pain, half of his thigh went numbed in pain from that single whip.

Still stuck after more than half an hour, Gang Zi said at Chi Cheng: "Why don't we also go down and relief ourselves? Look at this horrible congestion, it won't clear away in a short while."

Chi Cheng also wanted to relief himself, so both went out together.

Found a vacant space, they began to relief themselves without thinking of anything.

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