Chapter 7

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I hear one of the girls gasp. I quickly shove the shirt over my head to cover any scars or wounds. Then I fling around. "EL, that color is perfect on you, you need to buy that!" I hear Perrie squeak. False alarm. I sigh in relief and beging to take my pants off to complete the look. "What's that?" I hear El calmly ask over my shoulder. I can see her pointing to my legs in the mirror. Shit I forgot about these scars that really stand out on my legs. I can't make up and excuse for these. They are in 16 long lines spaced out straight across my leg. None overlapping just one then another underneath and that repeats 16 times. Nothing could cut someone causing 16 straight lines on thier legs unless they did it to themselves. They're from the very first time I cut with the blades inside a razor (I learned how to break them to get to the blade) and I didn't realize the blade was so sharp or I would've been more careful with the placing of the cuts. "Uhmmm." I stuttered out. "Morgan?" Perrie looked at my with sorrow in her eyes. "YES! I cut myself just please stop looking at me like I'm a damaged freak!" I snapped. "Sorry guys I just don't like when people look at me like that." I apologized. "No don't be sorry I'm sorry I'm just in shock." El stated as her and Perrie walked closer to me. "Is this it?" Perrie asked. I can tell she was trying not to say the wrong thing. I lifted my shirt, showed them my scarred arms, my hips, my wrists, my sides, and anywhere else I had scars or new cuts. "That's it." I finished off. They both looked like they were going to start crying. I can tell they wanted to know more but didn't want to say the wrong thing. "The only other people that know are Brooke and Gavin, please don't tell the guys or my brother. I'm getting better there's no need to worry about it." After that I went on to the full story from when I started till now, leaving my father out of it all. The girls promised me they wouldn't tell or look at me less of a person and said they would act like nothing has changed. That's impossible though. I'm kind of happy they know now, but I also feel like it made everything worse.

The rest of the shopping was like nothing ever happened in the dressing room. We all laughed and had the best time. We even had a mini argument because Perrie and El insisted on paying for me but I wouldn't let them but in the end they tricked me into not paying by putting the clothes I wanted with thiers and they wouldn't take the money to pay them back. They knew I was saving up for a trip to Paris once I graduate and a Polaroid camera along with a couple other cameras I've been wanting to start doing photography again. I've been saving for Paris since I was 11 so they knew how badly I wanted to go. Liam tried to give me money to help, but I didn't accept it I wanted to do this all on my own. So far it's worked out pretty good and by senior year I should be good to go. I'm so happy I have friends like these two girls who realize how much hard work I've put into saving the money I need. Although I feel guilty using thier money. It's a win lose situation.


This chapter was pretty short..the next one will be longer though promise c: xxx

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