Chapter 28

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Well it turns out they all knew we were dating!  Wow, just wow!  We were trying so hard to keep a secret from people who already knew.  I couldn't help but laugh at that.  I am honestly happy it could've gone the compete opposite direction and Mike could've beat him up so I'm pretty satisfied.  They also said that Harry and I could go and do whatever for the rest of the time they're here and that we would all get more time together next trip. 

Simon texted the boys minutes later saying the next vacation can be longer if they wish, but we all know if they become more famous it will be a lot shorter.  Although I wasn't worried because I'd rather see them for a day or two than not see them at all. 

I argued staying with Harry the whole day because I barley spent any time with the other 4 except for Liam the first few days. After arguing with my mind I gave up.  Harry and I had a little less than 24 hours to do whatever. 

I remembered my Polaroid and decided to spend the day taking pictures of us then in the end we were going to make 2 scrapbooks for each other.  Of course they wouldn't be filled, but as we become closer and closer there will be more and more memories and pictures and soon it will be filled.  Harry suggested leaving the house.  We both really weren't sure where we were going or what we were doing so we just kind of...walked.

I wasn't sure whether to be outgoing and silly or serious and romantic.  I also didn't really know how to balance the two so we just walked.  We were both pretty silent as we walked a block down the sidewalk.  Did Harry know where we were going or was he just walking too?  It looked like we must be heading to the beach.  Our fingers were completely entwined  and we kept each other close as our feet hit the sand.  We took our shoes off then continued to walk down the sand to the pier.

I kicked the sand on the edge of the water splashing it to the bottom meeting the rocks.  Harry was afraid I would drop my Polaroid in the water and I don't blame him since its me so he was holding onto it.  While he was holding onto it he snapped the perfect picture of me kicking the sand.  In the picture I was smiling really big while my eyes were squinted and i was trying to hold my black fedora on.  I heard the picture roll out of the camera then swayed over to see what Harry took the picture of.

He smiled, “This picture is mine.  For sure.  You are just so beautiful I can't put it into words."

With that I slid my arm around his waist the other on his stomach while he coiled his arm around my shoulders.  Then we kissed.  By then I truly, truly realized how amazing my life is.  How many opportunities I've had and will continue to have, and most importantly the opportunities I will have with Harry.  For once in my life I have nothing to complain about, and from now on I'm am aiming no where but forward.


Hey lovelies.  I'm going to make this chapter my last chapter of this fanfic but you should be expecting more from me soon.  Thanks for being so patient with me I love you all!!!  

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