Chapter 25

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Luckily we were mainly just passing through Vegas.  We did stop at shops and I especially fell in LOVE with this little vintage shop in which I bough a old pocket watch, one of those hippie headbands that consisted of white flowers, and a oversized multicolored loosely knitted cardigan.  Then Zayn, being the doll he is, bought me a gold necklace that had an old fashioned polaroid camera on it and old fashioned shoe that's kind of like a boot but it only goes up to you'd ankle and laces.  Then Brody bought me hippie glasses that had blue, green, and purple mixed lenses.  After that we found a couple more boutiques then we stumbled across a tattoo parlor....and Harry insisted on getting a new tattoo to remember the moment.  Soon everyone agreed and we all waltzed inside.  At the tiny desk there was a really large man with sleeves of tattoos on both arms and you can see a bunch more peeking from under the collar of his t-shirt.  Before we approached the man we sat and discussed tattoos.

“Morgan should get a tramp stamp since she's a tramp so it works!" Brody joked.

I playfully punched him, “Bro newsflash but you are a bigger tramp than me!"

Only me, Brody, Gavin, Louis, and Brooke laughed while the rest of the boys stayed serious especially Harry.  Gosh it was a joke guys.  So I broke the awkwardness, “Plus I'm not getting a tattoo anyway only Harry wanted to."

All the guys erupted in “HEY!"s

“No we're ALL getting tattoos silly." Mike explained.

I had a look of pure confusion on my face but hey I'm not gonna argue because I REALLY want a tattoo!  Everyone was trying to think of tattoo ideas that represented our all nighters.  Me being me, my mind wandered to something shinny.  It just so happened to be my pocket watch.  I took it out and stared at it then my mind wandered to 'Alice in Wonderland' then I thought of other movies then I thought of Peter Pan then how Louis looks like Peter then it wandered to Captain Hook then pirates in general then to 'Pirates if the Caribbean' then to compasses..... “HEY guys we should get a tattoo of a compass, OH OH!  And we should get it on that one awkward part on our ankle that is like a bone and it sticks out and it's a circle!" I suggested proudly pointing to the part of my ankle I was talking about.

Everyone smiled and agreed to my decision, even though I know some people disagreed, I guess they saw how excited I was about it.  To be honest it was kind of girly by the placing of it so instead of it being on the outside of our ankle its going to be on the inside.  We all decided on what the compass was going to look like though.  It ended up being rustic and old and even though it was black you could still tell that it looked aged. 

After tattoos

Mike played the man and we were on our way to...wherever.  Honestly the tattoo wasn't that bad!  Everyone always says how bad it hurts but it actually tickles!  Gosh, people are such babies nowadays!  Once we were back into the van we were on our way.  I think Mike knows where he's going now though.  There is this large mountain on the whole other side of Vegas.  Mom used to take us there when we were young, just Mike and I, it was our secret.  A while later we arrived at the mountain.  To be honest it wasn't really a mountain it was kind of like what the Hollywood sign sits on but with more greenery.  Mike drove us up to the peak of it and parked.  Everyone gasped at the beauty of the view.  We were a while up so it overlooked the whole city of Vegas and it was night time so there was all these breathtaking lights in the distance.  That place was perfect.  I don't even know if people were allowed up there but whatever I don't care. 

We all somehow fit leaning up against the van all facing straight ahead to look at everything.  Except instead of sitting with them I stood up and climbed on top of the van.  Everything just looked better from up there.  It felt more like I was hovering over the city even though I'm terrified of heights, this is my one exception.  Mike stood up then, blocking my view, and then climbed up on the van with me. 

“Hey you have been doing photography again?" He questioned.

“Yes, I've fallen in love with it all over.". I replied smiling.

“Well good because I have something for you."  Mike said slyly taking a Polaroid camera from behind his back.  It was the old-fashioned kind that I love.

I gasped,“Mike! You didn't?!

He just laughed,“I hope you know that since I bought it for you I get to be in the first picture you take with it-

I smiled turning around motioning for Mike to do the same.  We smiled with our cheeks touching and I snapped a picture.  The flash went off and a picture began emerging from the bottom of the camera.  Then I took the picture out and examined it watching the colors appear.  It was so perfect!  Mike was the best brother ever!   Thus is my new most favorite picture in the whole world.  The lights from the city were in the background and the flash didn't light us up too much but just enough to see us.

“It works like a charm!  Mike literally if I didn't have you in life I wouldn't have anyone.” I admitted embracing my brother into a hug.

“I know you're a loser without me." He said winking then we laughed and he slid down the van and sat with everyone again. 

Soon after my phone vibrated in my pocket, it was quite startling to be honest. 

Where the fuck is you and the other kid.? 

I truly didn't have to even look at the contact to know it was my dad.  I could tell by the terrible grammar and how he referred to my brother as the other kid.  Fuck my life.

We went on a little trip sorry dad...

Come home now!

We can't we're a good 4 hours away from the house and we just got to our destination.

I didn't say you could leave!

Sorry dad...

Why'd you do this to your own mother.!?


You know don't play dumb with meYou made her commit suicide she was embarrassed to have children as stupid and bitchy and worthless, untalented, no good, selfish kids like you and your brotherWhy don't you just die already!!!! Do the world a favor!

With that I didn't respond.  I'm so done with this all.  My night is now ruined.  At least he got most of his verbal abuse out so maybe when we arrive at home it won't be that bad right?

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