Chapter 21

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Without realizing, we fell asleep. The sun was beginning to bother my eyes so I woke up and once I realized what day it was my eyes jolted wide. I searched the hammock for Harry's phone and finally found it on the ground. I reached over and lifted it up seeing the time was 7:00 a.m. I shook Harry to get him woken up and he groaned. I whispered, "Hey Harry it's already 7 a.m. I can't miss another day of school I gotta go." I was beginning to get up then I felt a grip around my arm. "Please don't go." Harry spke in his raspy morning voice his eyes still closed. "I'm sorry I have to I'm already super far behind in school and today I have a presentation in photography, show production, and recording then I have my script to turn in to my creative writing class." I responded. "Why'd you have to take so many extra classes." He asked in a whinny tone. "So I can get into a good college and actually be in a career I want to be in! Well I gotta go." I began to get up again then Harry pulled me down on top of his and kissed me. I laughed, "Seriously I HAVE to go now." I saw a smirk on his face then I jumped up off of him and the hammock and jogged to the house.

Realizing I needed to be at the school by 8:00 I figured I had enough time to take a quick shower. When I was done with my shower I checked the time and realized my shower was 15 minutes too long. I quickly dried off. With my towel still wrapped around me I jogged to my large walk-in closet and closed the double doors to it. Glancing over my bottoms, shirts, and dresses I decided to go with a plain pure white sweater that has the sleeves rolled up to a little but above my wrists and hangs down to my upper thigh. It also is the kind of sweater that covers one shoulder while hanging off the other. Paired with light blue faded skinny jeans and floral combat boots. The combat boots had a black background covered in all different kinds of vibrant yellow, light pink, hot pink, dark purple, white, and cerulean blue flowers with different shades and tones of green stems and leaves twisting about the shoe. Enough detail that you can barley tell the shoe's background was black except for the sole.

I didn't think it was professional enough because there was an editor coming in to edit and critique my script for my creative writing class, a photographer for magazines like Vogue and Vanity Fair, then I have my final test in Show Production which was setting up lights and music and everything on an actual stage for an actual performance, then for recording I'm being tested on everything I've learned over the past year. I have all my tests today in almost every class that includes my extra classes and regular mandatory classes since it's almost the end of the year.

Happy with myself for dressing in record time, I rushed into the bathroom and blow-dried my hair then curled it into lose curls which took 25 minutes then added liquid foundation and powder then used liquid eye-liner to make a cat eye look. By the time I was done it was 7:45. Very scared about my crunch on time on my downstairs I figured out if I took my skateboard it would take me 5 minutes to ride to the coffee place to get my usual white chocolate latte and it would take about 2 minutes for the brista to get it ready then 5 minutes to get to the school leaving me 3 minutes to make sure I had everything ready before the bell rang. Perfect. I grabbed my Sector 9 cruiser board that was bright orange with the letter S and number 9 that was black outlined in bright blue taking up the bottom of the board. Matching the blue the S9 was outlined in, the wheels were longboard wheels. Outlining the grip-tape on the top of the skateboard was bright orange with a bright orange symbol at the bottom right of the board that I think looks like a rose. 

I quickly shoved all my books into my bag seeing the algebra book and remembering I didn't finish my homework but whatever I'll just finish it in class, then I was off down the side walk. I took out my phone and put my headphones into my ears and decided to listen to Mayday Parade the whole time starting with the song Oh Well, Oh Well then Miserable At Best. Just like I estimated I was at the cafe by then. The brista must've noticed my agitativeness because it took her less time to make my latte, I received it within one minute instead of two. I blasted Stay then When You See My Friends ending with the song Kids In Love right as i rode up to the front of the school.

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