Chapter 1

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(A/N : when I wrote this book I had no experience what so ever so the first few chapters suck but don't give up on it because IT DOES GET BETTER!! Enjoy my first book💓)

Hi, I'm Lexi but people call me Lex. I'm only 13 but people say that I act older, I don't believe them. My best friend is Caroline. Today I am going with Caroline to see these 'internet famous' guys. She was so excited. "Lex, Lex, wake up we are almost here!!" I heard Caroline say as I slowly opened my eyes from sleeping. Since the meet and greet was so far away I decided to take a nap.

After a couple of minutes Caroline and I were walking into this huge building where the meet and greet was being held. "Omg it's SO big"! She said. I said "Yeah it was" but I really didn't care tbh. As soon as Caroline and I go and get our tickets there was already a HUGE line to see the boys.

I told Caroline that since we had backstage passes we might as well go ahead backstage. So we were walking and a couple of minutes later a very large group of girls came running towards us. We didn't know what to do so I told her to split up. I saw her run so I decided to run too, and BAM my head hit something and I was out like a light.

I kept hearing a voice saying "omg are you okay!?" "Please wake up!" I knew exactly who it was because Caroline watches him everyday. Weston Koury. I gently opened my eyes and saw a hand held out for me to grab so I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, are you okay? I'll go get you some ice." Weston said.

A few minutes later he came back with some ice and grabbed my hand and practically dragged me through the door he just came out of. He sat me on the couch and put the ice on my head. Man I couldn't lie I mean, he was adorable, I kinda see what Caroline was talking about .

I couldn't think of anything to say so I said "Hey, your Weston right?" I said. As soon as he tried to ask me for my name we heard four other voices walk in. I recognized them from Caroline watching them. I mean it's not like I didn't think they were cute because trust me they were, I just never got into watching a broadcast, I never had the time.

"Oh hey are we interrupting something?" Jacob quickly asked "No" Weston said "Who's the cutie?" Mark asked as he looked at me. I looked at Weston and he gave Mark a glare. "I never got your name" said Weston. "Oh my name is Lexi but people call me Lex" I said. I did a little fake cough and soon Weston said "Oh my bad, this is Blake, Hunter, Mark, and Jacob". "Nice to meet you all" I said.

(Sorry if this was bad, like I said this was my first book I've ever written and I'm trying my best! I will keep updating, another chapter will probably be added tomorrow!) Xo💫

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