Chapter 28

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I wake up to Jason shaking me. "LEXI WAKE UP AND LOOK AT THE TV" he yelled. I jumped up and turned my head to the tv.

It was on the news channel. "Breaking news: Two teenagers from Greensboro North Carolina have gone missing. The girl is Lexi, she went missing yesterday. The boy is Jason, he went missing two days ago. Here is a picture of what they look like." The report said.

And then my face and Jason's face came up on the tv screen. "If you see them call 911 immediately."  The reporter continued.

I look at Jason and he looks at me. "We have to leave. Now. Before anyone see's us." He says. "Okay, but where? We need to figure it out, and fast." I say.

"Yes, right now. We could still head to Cali, but that would take ages." He said. I nodded my head. "Let's just go until we find a place that we like" I say.

"Okay, we need to leave now. Let's go." He said and we walked out of the room down to the lobby. We made sure to cover our faces so nobody would recognize us.

We already pre-paid for last night, so we walked out of the front door. "Take my hand" Jason whispered in my ear. "Wait why?" I ask.

"So we won't look suspicious" he says. I nodded my head and took his hand. It was so soft and warm... We tried to not look as suspicious so we started to talk.

There were so many people around, sooner someone will have to see us... Won't they?

*later that day*

Jason and I start to talk about our lives and how we will miss everyone... I start to think of this was the right thing to do.

We had no clue where we were headed. All there was ahead of us was road and more road.

This was a bad idea. I miss my family, friends, everything. I stop dead in my tracks. "So what's why we mo-- Lexi? What's wrong?" Jason says as he stops walking and turns towards me.

"I-i don't think I can do this" I blurt out. "Why?" He asks. I start to tear up. "I'm going to miss my family and friends to much... And my boyfriend." I say.

I can't stand it anymore, I break down in tears and fall to the ground. Jason runs over to me. "It's going to be okay Lexi. If you want we can call you family?" He says trying to comfort me.

"Yes." I say. I take my phone out of my pocket and look at the battery percentage. Great. It's at 1% and j don't have a charger. Yay. (Note my sarcasm)

"It's dead" I say pointing to my phone. Then Jason reaches into his bag and grabs something. It's his phone. "Here, use mine" he says and hands it to me. "Thanks" I say.

Who should I call? Nobody will understand. Nobody knows what I'm going through... Except Weston.

I punch in his number.

*ring ring ring*

"Hello? Who's this?" I here from the other side. It was Weston. "Hi... Weston? It's Lexi" I say. "LEXI OH MU GOODNESS WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?! IVE BEEN WORRIED SICK" he screams.

"I'm okay, but I need your help. I'm in South Carolina with my friend Jason. I met him on the way. I don't think I want to run away anymore, I have so much that I needed to say and I don't want to leave my family, friends... You." I say.

There was a pause. "What do I need to do?" He asks. "Can you get Gage to come pick us up? You have his number right? He drives, so it should work."

"Sure, I'll ask" he says. "Thanks, and can you come too?" I ask. "Sure, see you soon princess" he says. "See you soon" I say and hang up.

I look at Jason. "My friends are going to come pick me up... Do you want to come?" He turns away. "I don't know" he says.

I grab his arm. "Please. For me?" I say. "Fine, for you" he smiles. "Good! They should be here soon"

*skip to when they get picked up*

"Look! They are here!" I say to Jason as a car pulls up to us. Then the car stops. I see Weston and Gage get out.

I run up to Weston and embrace him in a hug. I missed him so much.. I don't know what I would do without him.

I pull back from the hug. "Thanks for coming Wes, I don't know what I would do without you..." I say then lean towards his ear and whisper "I.. Love you... I loved you then, I love you still, I always have, I always will...".

Yep. I just said it. I knew I loved him. I just needed something to reignite that spark. This is it. He was always there for me when I needed him.

I know he feels the same... But what about Mark? I can't date him if I love Weston... What do I do now?

I look and see Weston smiling. I could tell he was happy, I was too. I then walked over to Gage and gave him a hug as well.

I waved Jason over. When he reaches us I introduce him. "Jason, this is Weston and Gage. Weston, and Gage, this is Jason." I say.

"Hey, Jason" they both say in union. "So do you guys want to leave now? It's about a 3 hour drive" Gage says.

We all nod our heads and walk over to the car. Jason sits in the passenger seat and Weston and I sit in the back seat.

I lay my head on his shoulder and soon fall to sleep.

*Arrives at home*

"Lex, lex, wake up. We're here" Weston says gently shaking me to wake up. "Okay okay. I'm coming" I say as I yawn.

We all get out of the car and walk up to my doorstep, man was I nervous. What was my mom going to say? Or even worse, Mark? I then knock on the door..

(A/N : AHH update! So what did you guys think of this chapter?😏 Did you see any of it coming? Comment below! Hope you all enjoyed! Loves you all sm! Bye cutiess💜)

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