Chapter 11

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"What the heck are you doing? Back off my girlfriend" Weston said in a very angry voice towards Gage. "Dude chill" he said. Weston looked at me he looked mad but I looked right through him. I could see the guilt in his eyes for what he did, I could tell he was sorry.

"Weston calm down he's just my friend. And what do you care anyway's. You seem to have found someone else." I told him. "I think I'm going to leave now" Gage said. He walked away and I said "Wait I'm coming with you" I said. "Lexi wait" Weston said. "Goodbye Weston" I told him and ran to catch up with Gage.

"See I told you I was good at running away from my problems" I told him. "Yeah I can tell" he laughed and I playfully punched him on the shoulder. Then I heard footsteps behind us and then a voice, "LEXI WAIT UP" it was Mark.

He seemed out of breath so I stopped and so did Gage. "What do you want Mark?" I asked. "I-I jus-t want-ed to se-e if you we-re ok" he said in between breaths. "I'm fine, c'mon Gage" I said.

"Lexi stop. What's your problem?" "You wouldn't understand" "Try me" he said and I stared into his beautiful blue eyes. WAIT... did I just say that?! No you like Weston. Do I? YES. Stop saying that!!

I grab Gage my his wrist and walk off leaving Mark standing there. "Where are we going" Gage asked. "Anywhere but here" I said.

"Me and my friend are supposed to go skating later today, do you want to come?" He asked me. "Sure" I said and we walked over to his friends house.

A girl answered the door. "Hey Madison, this is Lexi, is it okay if she comes with us today?" Gage asked her. "Sure that's fine. My names Madison" she said holding her hand out for my to shake. "Lexi" I said.

"So we weren't planning to leave until later so do you want to hang here until we leave?" She asked. "Sure" Gage and I said.

We walked in and sat down on the couch. It was silent until I said "Hey is it okay if I broadcast on Younow?" I asked. "Yeah sure" apparently they knew what Younow was so I didn't have to explain it.

I logged on and said "Hey guys" to the camera. "So what do you guys want to do today?" I asked. I got a lot of comments saying to play truth or dare so that's what I did. "Madison, Gage, do y'all want to play?" "Sure" they said in unison.

Then the comments were blowing up with stuff like "Who is that?" "Where are you?" "What about Weston" I said "Guys these are my friends Gage and Madison." Madison looked at the camera and said "Hey" and so did Gage.

We were in the middle of a dare I had to do with Gage when the comments started blowing up again, but this time it said stuff like "HES HERE!" "Heyy babe!" Or "Still looking for that top lip babe?" (sorry I just had to😂) or "Lexi look it's your bf"

I ignored it and moved on but then he commented @Westonkoury: "Why won't you talk to me? I thought you were better than this." That hurt. I started to tear up. Then I said "Hey guys I'm going to get off now, byee" then I logged off.

"Are you okay?" Madison asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I told her as I wiped my tears away. "Hey we should get going before it gets any later" Gage said. I nodded and we left.

(Skip to the skating place)

We were skating for about and hour when someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see those amazing blue eyes staring at me. LEXI STOP THINKING LIKE THAT. I finally snapped myself out of my daze.

I looked at him and hugged him tightly. I didn't want to let go. He hugged me back and we stood there for about a minute. Then Mark took my hand and we sat down on a little bench.

"How did you find me?" I asked. "That doesn't matter, I just came to see if you were okay" he said. "Well I am so you can go back now" I said. He go up to leave after I said that. I didn't mean to be rude.

I got up and grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry" I said and that's when my eyes started to tear up. He turned around and hugged me again and said "Its okay" we sat back down on the bench.

"You know you have to come back home right?" He asked. "I know I do but you don't understand. Weston was my first boyfriend, my first kiss, and I thought my first love. He broke me." I said.

"I know it seems hard but you are strong you can get through this. I promise. You don't even have to talk to him, just please come back" he said. "Okay" I said with a sigh.

That's when Madison and Gage came up to us. They were holding hands and laughing. "I didn't know you guys were together! You look soo cute" I said. They said thanks and blushed.

"Hey we need to go" Mark said. I nodded my head and said stood up and gave Gage and Madison a hug. "Thank you" I said and they went back to skate and me and Mark left.

We were almost home when Mark stopped. I turned around and said "Are you okay" "Yeah I'm fine but there is something I need to do" he said and before I knew it his lips were on mine.

Marks POV•
Lexi and I were walking back home when I looked at her and realized that I really like her, like a lot. So I stopped walking. She turned around and said "Hey are you okay?" And I said "Yeah I'm fine but there's something I need to do"

Before I knew it I leaned in and kissed her. To my surprise she kissed me back. It felt right. I didn't know what it was, but it felt right.

•Lexis POV•
Before I could say anything me and Mark were kissing. I didn't know what to do so I kissed him back. NO THIS ISNT RIGHT. I pulled back.

He looked at me and said "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that." I gave him and hug and whispered "It's okay, it can be our little secret" I said.

We walked home hand in hand and I didn't know if this was right but I couldn't resist so I rested my head on his shoulder and we walked home.

(A/N: Oo betcha didn't see that coming😏 So The character Madison is based as MadisonNicole_ 😋 if anyone wants to be in my story, ask and I will answer! Oh and thank you for 500+ reads! So happy!☺️ New chapter tomorrow!
Bye cutiess❤️)

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